Internationalisation means a world of opportunities
Not just the qualification - it's also the experience
Sarah Stevenage reflects on what 'Internationalisation' means, both for the School and for its students.
"Here in Psychology, we realise that our students need a qualification that will enable them to get a job in an international job market. This is not just about the qualification that you study for. It is also about the experiences that we can provide for you. We want to encourage your capacity to achieve through thinking about how we can enrich our curriculum and reflect the multi-cultural society within which we live and work.
"When you come here, you will find a rich diversity of nationalities represented through our staff, our researchers, and through our students. We currently have students from 12 nationalities studying Psychology here. We offer international students a substantial bursary year on year to ease the cost of their overseas study. We are also working proactively with the University support networks to provide essential support in terms of settling into a new culture, and studying in a non-native language.
"A recent trip to Hong Kong [pictured] confirmed the popularity of Psychology as a degree subject, and it was exciting to speak with so many prospective students who consider the UK as a destination of choice. For me as an ambassador for the University in Hong Kong, it was energising to meet parents and students who are articulate and dedicated in planning their futures. For the students themselves, many commented that having the chance to speak with an academic in their home country, who they would then see when they get to Southampton, provided a vital and relevant point of contact.
"I was thrilled when a couple of parents decided to visit me in Southampton in May merely to continue that personal contact, and we look forward to welcoming their daughter to study with us in October.
"We also recognise that internationalising our education is not just about opening our doors. We also want to promote the opportunities of our students to study elsewhere. Our Erasmus study scheme enables students to take 4 months in their final year to study abroad, and we are actively working to extend the number of partner Universities to which you may travel.
"Internationalisation for us is about creating an environment and a set of opportunities for our students to gain knowledge, skills, and understanding of Psychology within a local, national, and global context. Psychology has relevance within cultures but also across them. We are working to make sure that your study at Southampton recognises and respects that."
Dr Sarah Stevenage is Deputy Director (Education) of Psychology, University of Southampton.
It was exciting to speak with so many prospective students who consider the UK as a destination of choice. For me as an ambassador for the University, it also was energising to meet parents and students who are articulate and dedicated in planning their futures.
Psychology wins World Universities Network Funding
Award will aid the development of a new Masters Programme with a distinctly International curriculum.
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