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The University of Southampton

Resources for teachers

We recognise the importance of tailoring outreach activities to students. Therefore, we have designed some outreach workshops specifically targeting curriculum outcomes for three age groups.

Lesson plans have been tailored to National Curriculum outcomes for Year 8, Year 10 and the OCR and Edexcel syllabuses for Year 12. A researcher from Psychology at the University of Southampton would lead the session with support from the tutor. We have lesson plans on the following topics:

Our Topics

If you are interested in arranging one of these workshops and want to find out more, please contact us. We rely on availability of researchers to provide these workshops so unfortunately we may not be able to fulfil all requests. We are happy to provide the lesson plans with learning objects and outcomes for you to review.

Teacher resource packs

We have also developed teacher resource packs providing background information for tutors on some of the topics. To request these packs, please contact .

One of our outreach presentations
One of our outreach presentations

Schools Research Partnership Scheme

How younger volunteers can help in our research

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