1) You will need a 3-year degree in Psychology that meets the standards of accreditation by the British Psychological Society. Qualification of a 2i or more gives you eligibility to apply for GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of BPS).
2) EITHER a Masters in Occupational Psychology that demonstrates applied research abilility OR Stage 1 (knowledge and training) of BPS Qualification in Occupational Psychology.
3) Stage 2 of BPS Qualification in Occupational Psychology (further training and two years supervised practice) to be eligible to apply for registration with the HPC (Health Professions Council) and to apply for Chartered Psychologist status.
Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of BPS - Basic requirement for postgraduate study in Psychology
Health Professions Council - Registration is a requirement to become a Chartered Psychologist and to be able to use the title 'Occupational Psychologist'