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The University of Southampton

Departmental parking permits

There are two types of departmental permit. One is specific to a University owned vehicle and the other is for general staff and visitor use. All departmental vehicles on campus must display valid departmental permits.

General use permits may be purchased to validate the parking of a staff member who does not usually drive to work but needs to do so occasionally for business reasons. Such a permit can also be used by staff holding NOCS or hospital permits that need to park at other University Campuses.

Some departments, particularly those based away from the Highfield Campus, may find it useful to apply for a Gower departmental permit. General use permits can be upgraded to Gower permits at an additional cost, although numbers are strictly managed.

How to Apply

Please apply via the online database which is also accessible via the Services Tab of SUSSED . On the first page, please select the option for a departmental permit. Any members of staff (including Student Union staff through their Personnel Manager) may apply for a departmental permit online. Applications will automatically be referred to the 'sponsors' designated by the School/Professional Service Group or Students' Union.

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