Miss Georgina R Dawes BSc Biochemistry and Genome Science
Laboratory Technician supporting Research
Career History
: Laboratory Technician. University of Southampton, UK.
Science Technician. Wyvern College, Eastleigh, UK.
Academic Qualifications
2011-2014: BSc Biochemistry and Genome Science. University of Portsmouth, UK.
Miss Georgina Dawes is Laboratory Technician within Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.
My role involves providing technical support to the research staff and students within the Biological Sciences based at Southampton General Hospital. I am responsible for maintaining the smooth and safe running of the laboratories, making sure that all equipment is functioning correctly. I maintain stocks of laboratory resources and consumables as well as prepare various buffers, reagents and media.
I am also in charge of running and maintaining a small Imaging and Microscopy centre based on Level D at the hospital. I carry out inductions for new staff, students and visitors and ensure the equipment is in good working order.