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The University of Southampton
Chemistry Postgraduate study

Francesca Piana PhD

Postgraduate student

Francesca Piana's Photo

Hi, I'm Francesca Piana and I studied PhD within Chemistry at the University of Southampton.

A PhD is a great experience, substantially different from undergraduate studies. It proves your strength not only as a scientist but also as a person.

I came to the decision of doing PhD at University of Southampton because it is among the best Universities in the UK. UK was surely my first choice among other European countries because of the language. Of course here I would have the best chances to improve the most my English.

I completed my BSc in Chemistry in Parma, Italy, and following this spent four months in California doing an internship as part of the Promega Biosciences Ltd. R&D team. Back in Italy, I then achieved my MSc in Organic Chemistry. In the USA I learnt how a PhD would an important to step forward in my career generalyl and specifically as a researcher.

My PhD is in Supramolecular chemistry and I am focusing on supramolecular gels. I am carrying out structural studies with respect to the gelation ability but I have also investigated these systems as potential sensors for nerve agents’ detection.

A PhD is a great experience, substantially different from undergraduate studies. It proves your strength not only as a scientist but also as a person. For me it was also about learning to live and work in a different culture and it made the whole even more challenging. Hold on and do not give up, may be simple, but is the best advice.

My PhD is fully funded by INTERREG. INTERREG has a good PhD program, which include schools, symposium and courses both in south of England and north of France between the Universities that participate in this kind of organization. This is a good way for students to meet and share ideas.

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