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The University of Southampton
Music Part of Humanities

Research Group: Musicology and Ethnomusicology

Currently Active:

We take a broad view of the discipline, which encompasses European art music, popular music, and a variety of global musics, particularly those of Latin America and East Asia.

Our staff has expertise in British music history; early European music; eighteenth-century European studies; nineteenth-century European studies (especially opera and art song); cultural policy; musical theatre; music, science and technology studies; global popular music; musical funding and management; and music theory.

We study music from wide-ranging perspectives, including gender, sexuality and queer studies; postcolonial and critical race studies; textual criticism; global and transnational studies; music analysis; reception; sound studies; music and social inequality; and disability studies.  Performance is integrated into both musicology and composition, where possible, for example in the performance of new compositions, historical performance practice, and critical editions of operas.

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