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The University of Southampton

Professor Brendan Bradley MA, MSc, PhD, FBPsS, FAPS, C.Psychol

Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology Research

Professor Brendan Bradley's photo

Professor Brendan Bradley is Professor of Clinical Psychology Research within Psychology at the University of Southampton.

BA (Hons) Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge

MA University of Cambridge

MSc Clinical Psychology, University of Aberdeen

PhD University of London

Fellow of the British Psychological Society

Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Quondam Fellow, Hughes Hall, Cambridge

FRSA (2004-2009)

Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science

Previous appointments

Vice President & Fellow, Hughes Hall, Cambridge

University Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Cambridge

Clinical Psychologist, St. George's Hospital Group, London

Honorary Clinical Psychologist, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge

Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, London

Honorary Principal Clinical Psychologist, Bethlem & Maudsley Joint Hospital, London

Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist, W. Hants NHS Trust

Research interests

My work is concerned with applying theoretical models and experimental methods from the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroscience to the study of emotional and motivational states. One of the main areas of my research is the experimental psychopathology of anxiety.

To view my Google Scholar page, click here

To view my ResearchID page, click here .

Director (joint) of the Experimental Psychopathology Laboratory
Head of the Clinical Psychology Research Group (2001-06)
REF 2014 UoA Champion for Psychology
RAE 2008 subpanel member for Psychiatry, Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology
Committee Membership:
Psychology Management Group
Psychology Research & Enterprise Group
Psychology Promotions Board
Chair of Psychology’s REF Committee
Member of Faculty REF Review Committee

Consulting Editor of Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2006- present)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychopathology (2010- present)
Consulting Editor of Emotion (2001-11)
Editor (joint) of the British Journal of Clinical Psychology (2001-05)

Supervision of post-graduate and undergraduate research in experimental psychopathology. Research leave: second semester of the academic year 2013-2014.

Professor Brendan Bradley
Building 44 Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ

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