Dr Greta Vilidaite BSC (Hons), PhD
Research Fellow in 3D Vision
Dr Greta Vilidaite is investigating how humans perceive the world in 3D without using stereoscopic vision. Together with her advisor Prof Wendy Adams and collaborators she aims to use this knowledge to improve deep learning algorithms in order to reconstruct 3D models of scenes and objects from 2D images.
Dr Vilidaite completed her BSc in Psychology and PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging at the University of York. During her PhD she used M/EEG, TMS, computational and psychophysical approaches to understand how the visual system performs contrast computations. She also investigated differences in neural responses in Autism Spectrum Conditions, comparing human electrophysiological signals to those of a genetic fruit fly model of autism.
Before joining Psychology at the University of Southampton, Dr Vilidaite briefly worked on decoding object categories in the visual system using clustering algorithms and EEG at Stanford University.