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The University of Southampton

Research project: Model disability survey

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Following the recommendations of the WHO and World Bank’s World Report on Disability and its recommendations about the need for internationally comparable and reliable disability data, WHO and the World Bank have begun a project to develop standardized survey questions that can gather information both on the health state of an individual – limitations in the capacity to function – as well as the features of the environment that facilitate or create barriers to functioning.This planned Model Disability Survey will use a common definition of and conceptual framework for disability based on WHO's International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF). The survey will provide data that social, health and other sectors require, and which can respond to monitoring requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

In preparation for an expert consensus conference to finalize questions for the Model Disability Survey, which will then undergo cognitive testing, the following steps are being taken:

  1. Identification of disability and population health surveys from countries around the world based on extensive searches in scientific and non-scientific databases.
  2. Qualitative content analysis of the questions of selected surveys by mapping them to the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF).
  3. Quantitative analysis of databases of selected surveys in order to identify questions that are reliable and valid, and which address the full spectrum of disability, the impact the impact of environmental factors and distinguish capacity and performance.

Prof. Cieza is working with WHO and the World Bank in the development of this Model Disability Survey

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