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The University of Southampton

Dr Nikhila Mahadevan BA, MSc, PhD

Visiting research fellow

Dr Nikhila Mahadevan's photo

Dr Nikhila Mahadevan is Visiting research fellow within Psychology at the University of Southampton.

I obtained my BA in Psychology, English Literature, and Mass Communication (with distinction) from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, India, and my MSc in Psychology (with distinction) from the University of Essex, UK. Following that, I worked in consumer psychology and research as a Market Research Executive and Brand Consultant. In 2010, I was awarded a Psychology studentship by the University of Southampton and completed my PhD under the supervision of Dr Aiden Gregg.

During my PhD, I developed and tested a novel evolutionary social psychology-based theory of self-regard. It proposed that self-regard regulates social status, tracking a person’s level of status in their social groups and motivating appropriate status-seeking behaviour.

In my current role as research fellow, I investigate the phenomena of Intellectual Arrogance and Humility from an evolutionary interpersonal perspective.

Research interests

My research interests span the areas of social/personality, clinical/health, evolutionary, and economic psychology. My primary focus is on the self in social contexts. In particular, I investigate how people’s social status and social inclusion impact their self-concept, psychological health, and interpersonal behaviour. I am also interested in moral and self-conscious emotions; happiness and well-being; character strengths and vices; social comparison and financial decision-making; and gender, class and society. I work primarily with Dr Aiden Gregg and Professor Constantine Sedikides.

Research Project

Intellectual Arrogance and Humility: An Evolutionary-Circumplex Account

Research group

Centre for Research on Self and Identity (CRSI)

I am a member of the Centre for Research on Self and Identity.

Since 2010, I have been involved in the teaching of the third-year undergraduate course Self and Identity (PSYC 3014) with Dr Aiden Gregg.

Dr Nikhila Mahadevan
Building 44 Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ
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