Senate delegates responsibility to the Doctoral College Committee for leading and directing the development of the Postgraduate research student experience and environment at the University of Southampton. The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee reports to the Doctoral College Committee on matters related to the professional development of Postgraduate research students
- The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee maintains a university-wide oversight of the provision for the professional development of Postgraduate research students feeding into the Doctoral College Committee.
- The Chair is responsible for ensuring that any equality impacts against each project/policy/process/procedure have been considered as part of the decision-making process
Responsibilities and activity
- Planning and oversight of central training and development activities.
- Keeping an overview of Faculty/Academic Unit programmes and encouraging opening out where appropriate.
- Developing generic technical training and fostering greater visibility and coordination of discipline-based technical training.
- Overseeing the training for postgraduate research students engaged in teaching/demonstrating (working with the Centre for Higher Education Practice).
- Planning and advice re. support for supervisors and their professional development (working with the Centre for Higher Education Practice).
- Planning and oversight of support for postgraduate research career management and employability (working with Careers).
- Contributing to postgraduate research induction and facilitating other postgraduate research events and activities.
Reporting arrangements
- The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee reports to the Doctoral College Committee.
The Terms of Reference and Constitution are reviewed annually to ensure that the composition of the Subcommittee reflects those Faculties and Professional Services that have responsibilities for postgraduate research professional development.
- Chair: Director of the Doctoral College or nominee
- Doctoral College Professional Development Programme Manager
- Head of Doctoral College Administration
- Faculty Representatives for postgraduate research development
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Representative from Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP)
- Professional Services Representatives
- Careers and Employability
- Digital Learning
- Library
- Research and Innovation Services
- Wellbeing Services
- Other Representation
- Southampton University Students’ Union
- PGR representative
- Academic representative from Doctoral Training Partnership-Centre for Doctoral Training
- Representative from Doctoral Training Partnership-Centre for Doctoral Training Managers
- Secretary (Senior Administrator, Centre for Higher Education Practice)
In attendance
- Doctoral College & Centre for Higher Education Practice Administrator
- Institute for Life Sciences
- Faculty Graduate School Team Leader Representative
Quorum and frequency
The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee will be quorate with one third of the membership plus one in attendance.
Frequency of meetings
The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee will meet at least four times per year (aligned with the Doctoral College Committee).
Secretariat support is provided by the Centre for Higher Education Practice.
Terms of Reference review
Date of last review:....... September 2024
Date of next review:...... September 2025
Governance reporting line
The Doctoral College Professional Development Subcommittee reports to the Doctoral College Committee .
Document owner
Doctoral College Committee .