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The University of Southampton
Quality Handbook Programmes and Modules

Change of Programme Title

Material or Non-material Change

The Programme Lead, in partnership with the Chair of the relevant School Programmes Committee (SPC) will consider whether any modification to a programme title is considered Material or Non-material.  Material changes will then follow the required communication with Current Students, Offer Holders, Applicants and Prospective Students, in line with the guidance in the Modifications to Programmes and Modules Table .

The University expectations as well as procedural requirements for 'Consultation' are detailed on the Education Quality SharePoint site (link to internal site).

Documentary requirements

To apply for a change to the title of a programme, you should complete the " Programme Change Form: proposed change of programme title " form.

The Course Description Document will also need to be updated. (link to internal site)

Consideration and approval

The change form and revised CDD should be considered and approved by the SPC.   The Committee may decide at this point that the change constitutes a major change and will direct the Programme Lead/Director of Programmes to the Programme Approval and Review Process.

Admissions Considerations

Programme Leads/Directors of Programmes should be mindful of the required timescales for Changes to programme titles and their impact on the admissions process.

Post Approval

• amend the module or programme information in Banner;
• amend the module or programme information in Curriculum Management System;
• update the module or programme webpages;
• update and re-upload Course Description Document to Public Documents Repository (link opens internal site);
• notify colleagues in Global Recruitment & Admissions that a new CDD has been uploaded;
• update exemptions or variations to University Regulations and submit to QSAT.

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