University attendance policy
Attendance is a key part of student success, take a look at the University policy to find out more.
The University’s attendance policy sets out the general expectations placed upon you as a student. Full attendance is expected for each year of the study programme and study deadlines are expected to be met.
If you believe that illness or other personal circumstances have badly affected your academic performance during the academic year or prevented you from meeting deadlines, you must complete a Special Considerations form . Supporting Information should be contemporaneous with the circumstances described, for example a medical certificate or GP/consultant letter, or a statement from your Personal Academic Tutor. You can find out more by looking at the Special Considerations guidance .
If you become ill prior to or during the exam period self-certification will not be regarded as evidence in relation to your examination performance. All claims will be reviewed by the Special Considerations Board which meets regularly throughout the year.
Find out more about Special Considerations .
If you are experiencing difficulties, please seek advice from the SUSU Advice Centre (Student Union, Building 40) and if studying here under a visa, seek advice from the VISAS Team.
Attendance is a key part of student success, take a look at the University policy to find out more.
We know some students may experience circumstances outside of their control during study.
If you need help with understanding how these University policies apply to you, the SUSU Advice Centre can provide impartial help.
The University expects that all students will familiarise themselves with the University’s Regulations Governing Academic Responsibility and Conduct. The Regulations set down the procedures to be followed to investigate suspected breaches of academic conduct when concerns are raised during the marking process or in connection with suspected cheating in examinations. Breaching ethical requirements and misconduct in research are also academic conduct issues. Further information and guidance can be found in the Quality Handbook. Students who wish to seek independent advice around academic integrity issues are encouraged to seek support from the SUSU Advice Centre.
We are aware that students may have experienced differing standards at other institutions (including those overseas) but it is essential that you take steps to ensure your full understanding of the regulations expected at Southampton as significant penalties can be imposed if these are breached. These penalties may affect the mark you receive for the piece of work in question, and the most serious cases could lead to a reduction in degree classification or even termination of programme. There may also to be an impact on any future reference we provide.
It is often helpful to discuss ideas and approaches to your work with your peers, and this is a good way to help you think through your own views. However work submitted for assessment should always be entirely your own, except where clearly specified otherwise in the instructions for the assignment.
In some instances working in groups will be required, and there may be occasions when work is submitted from the whole group rather than individuals. In these instances the assessment instructions will make it clear how individual contributions to the group work should be identified and will be assessed. If you are in any doubt, check with the person setting the assignment. If you have worked with others you should make sure that you clearly state this.
The regulations and definitions applying to all credit-bearing programmes should be read in conjunction with your own programme regulations:
Sometimes it is necessary to undertake referral assessment(s) or to repeat the year of your programme. Repeats can be taken internally or externally, however, for some Tier 4 visa students studying in the UK under the UKVI points based system, it may not possible by the terms of their Visa to remain in the UK to undertake an Internal Repeat. Such students will retain the right to an External Repeat provided that it is permitted by the regulations governing their programme of study.
The UKVI places limits on the total period of time a student on a Tier 4 Visa can spend studying at or above degree level in his/her lifetime; time spent undertaking an Internal Repeat will count towards this total period. A student who is concerned about his/her entitlement to remain in the UK following a failure to progress should seek urgent advice from the Student Visa Guidance Service.
The out of hours policy covers the closure period from 23:00 through to 06:00 the following day and applies to every day of the year, including weekends and public holidays. You must have received approval to work during the closure period from your Head of Academic Unit and this must be documented, please speak to your Faculty.
This policy sets out guidance to be followed for the health and safety of everyone. Students are responsible for taking care of themselves and others and to work/study in accordance with any training or instruction given by supervising staff.
If you are involved in an accident or incident, spot a hazardous situation or are concerned that you are being asked to do something without the necessary information, instruction or training that would ensure your safety, please report this to your supervisor and the Faculty Health and Safety team. The circumstances can then be investigated and measures put in place to minimise future risk.
During your time at university you may decide to pause your studies or withdraw . Students wishing to temporarily pause their study for personal, medical or financial problems should discuss this with their Personal Academic Tutor and must apply in writing to their student office.
Some courses allow you to pause your studies in order to undertake an internship or period of industrial training outside normal vacation time, this should also be discussed with your Personal Academic Tutor.
If you no longer wish to continue with your studies, a Withdrawal Notification form should be obtained, completed and returned to your Student Office.
Students studying under a Tier 4 Visa should seek urgent advice from the Visa and Immigration Student Advice Service (VISAS) to discuss pausing or withdrawing from their course.
The fitness to study policy is followed when any student becomes visibly unwell with a mental health difficulty or psychological, personality or emotional disorder which affects their ability to study and their wellbeing, or affects the wellbeing of others around them. It explains the procedure and support available to both students and staff.
Check information on the assessments and exam regulations page and general exam regulations carefully before the exams begin, in particular rules regarding the use of calculators and dictionaries and how to behave during exams. Breaches of exam regulations may be investigated via the University’s Academic Integrity procedures.
At the end of your programme, your overall performance will be assessed. If you satisfy the academic standards necessary, the examination board will recommend you for award.
Provided you have grounds, you may appeal against any academic decision made by the University. There are some exceptions and you should note you cannot appeal against a decision that has been made in the proper exercise of academic judgment. For example, you cannot appeal simply because you disagree with a decision the University has made or feel that a higher mark should have been given. The Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students outlines the policy and the procedure that should be followed should you wish to steps that should be followed when making an appeal.
Any student making an appeal has the chance to put their case forward. Students in this position are encouraged to seek support from the The Advice Centre in the Student Union, Building 40.
The Regulations Governing Student Complaints sets out the process that should be followed should you wish to raise a complaint about a matter relating to either the facilities and services provided by the University, its academic programmes, and the conduct of University staff, and which has affected you.
The Dignity at Work and Study Policy applies to the conduct of staff and students, in the context of their University work of study, or which otherwise affects the working, learning or social environment of the University. Fair criticism of staff or student performance or conduct will not be considered to be bullying or harassment provided that those involved are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.
Any allegation of harassment, bullying or victimisation will be treated seriously, regardless of the seniority of those involved, and anyone found to have behaved unacceptably may be the subject of disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion.
As members of the University community, all students are expected to conduct themselves with due regard for its good name and reputation. Any allegation of misconduct will be considered within the Student Discipline Regulations in accordance with the evidence and circumstances presented.