Confocal Gallery
Usually generated from samples labelled with multiple fluorescent dyes, confocal images are strikingly colourful, although the colours are entirely false as the detectors actually record in greyscale.
The old adage has it that "a picture paints a thousand words".
We have access to some of the best imaging tools available and we pride ourselves in taking the best possible images on all of our systems, irrespective of whether the image is for research, diagnostics, education or outreach purposes.
Please explore and enjoy the image galleries below as a sample of our work. Please contact us if you wish to re-use any of these images
Usually generated from samples labelled with multiple fluorescent dyes, confocal images are strikingly colourful, although the colours are entirely false as the detectors actually record in greyscale.
TEM images are of high magnification (to > x100,000) and resolution, revealing sub-cellular detail. They used to be recorded on photographic film but today we use greyscale digital imaging.
SEM images have a great depth of focus, suiting them for imaging complex, three dimensional samples. They record in greyscale but images are often then false coloured for visual impact.
Many of our imaging systems generate 3 dimensional datasets which can be analysed, segmented and reconstructed to create immersive and interactive views of the sample.
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