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The University of Southampton

Dr Karwan Moutasim BDS, MSc, MFD RCS, MOMed RCS, PGCert (Med Ed), PhD, FRCPath.

Consultant Cellular Pathologist, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

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Dr Karwan Moutasim is a consultant histopathologist specialising in head and neck, skin and molecular pathology at University Hospital Southampton. He is also the subject lead for pathology within the University of Southampton, and an honorary research fellow affiliated with Cancer Sciences.

Dr Moutasim obtained his dental degree in 2002. After completing a period of general professional training, he gained MFD RCS in 2006. In 2007, he completed an MSc in Experimental Oral Medicine with Distinction from King’s College London, following which he gained the Membership in Oral Medicine (MOMed RCSEd). He was awarded the Royal Society of Medicine President’s Prize (Odontology Section) in 2009. He was awarded a Cancer Research UK Clinical Research Fellowship to undertake his PhD within Prof Gareth Thomas’ Experimental Pathology Group in 2009. In 2011, he was awarded the Southampton Clinical Academic Trainees’ Prize for Best Research Paper. The following year, he was awarded the Oral Plenary Research Presentation Prize by the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

In 2012, he was awarded an NIHR Clinical Lectureship combining specialty training in pathology with research and teaching. In 2017, he was awarded his CCST in oral and maxillofacial pathology.


BDS, University of Jordan (2002)
MFDS, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (2006)
MSc, King’s College London (2007)
MOMed, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2010)
PhD, University of Southampton (2011)
FRCPath, Royal College of Pathologists (2017)
PGCert (Medical Education), University of Dundee (2018)

Appointments held

Cancer Research UK Clinical Research Training Fellow (2009-2012)
NIHR Clinical Lecturer & Specialty Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (2012-2016)
Specialty Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (2017-2018)
Consultant Cellular Pathologist (2018-)

Research interests

My research focuses on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). I have a particular interest in the tumour micro-environment, and specifically the mechanisms that underpin anti-tumoural immune responses in HNSCC.

I contribute histopathological input to a number of research studies within Cancer Sciences, and I work closely with the Experimental Pathology Group (headed by Professor Gareth Thomas).


Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education

Affiliate Department(s)

Cancer Sciences Research group

Research Supervision:

  • BMedSci and MMedSci project

  • Subject lead for Pathology (BM4 and BM5)
Dr Karwan Moutasim
Cellular Pathology Department, Mail Point 002, Southampton General Hospital, SO16 6YD

Room Number: SGH

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