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The University of Southampton

Continuing professional development

The MSc programmes in the Faculty of Medicine offer a number of modules from their allergy , genomics and public health courses. The following modules are offered as CPD and you can apply to take them either as single modules with assessment for the credits, or as short courses without assessment for the knowledge.

Single Modules with credit

All our modules are available as stand alone modules where successful students will be awarded the relevant credits gained. These awards are Postgraduate Credits in Medicine. The total credits that students can do should be less than 30 ECTS (the credits required for the PG Cert). Students who take the modules with credit can apply to transfer their credits on to our PG Certificate, PG Diploma or MSc programmes.

Single Modules without credit

Our modules are also available as CPD courses where participants can benefit from the knowledge without undergoing assessment. The name of this programme is the PG Non-credit Medicine programme. Please contact for the application form.

Short Courses

We offer the following two CPD short courses through the Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC) :

These courses take place live online over two mornings and require no prior knowledge of systematic review methods or health economics. On completion you will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Please contact for more information or to book your place.

All of our courses are regulated in England by the Office for Students (OfS).

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