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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College PGR Handbook

Facilities within the Faculty

Access to Facilities

The Faculty is required to provide students with:-

  • access to appropriate space to work, as indicated by the research student's academic needs analysis and by Faculty policy;
  • the provision of laboratory and technical support where appropriate;
  • access to either a laptop or a desktop computer from the standard range; a request for a more powerful specification computer forms part of the initial Academic Needs Analysis discussion
  • appropriate access to email, telephone, and photocopying facilities;
  • opportunities to meet and network with other research students and researchers;
  • appropriate library and other academic support services;
  • opportunity to apply for funds to support training opportunities and for attendance at conferences and other relevant events (including fieldwork).

Advice should be sought from Enabling Services (Disability Advice and Guidance, Learning Support, Assistive Technology) with regard to accessing any specialist equipment or assistive technology for research students who may need such support.


Humanities currently offers workspace within dedicated PGR study rooms, each with access to workstations, internal telephones, photocopying facilities and technical support.

There are five PGR study rooms at Avenue campus:

  • Two in building 65: 65/2125, 65/2127
  • Three in building 65b: 65b/2005, 65b/2007 and 65b/2009.

There is an Archaeology PGR study room in Building 65a and a Music PGR study room in Building 2 for the use of Archaeology and Music students, equipped in the same way as the Study Rooms at Avenue Campus.

Students are sent the door codes for the rooms in Building 65 by email at induction. Please contact the Graduate School for these as an alternative.

Please be aware that the study rooms currently only offer docking stations, separate keyboard, monitor and mouse for PC Laptop users not Mac users.

Please read the PGR Working Space Policy and the Faculty's Code of Practice for the Use of PGR Study Rooms , in conjunction with the Code of Practice .

A limited number of fixed desks are available for students with a documented medical need. The desks are allocated on a yearly basis. For more information please see the PGR Working Space Policy mentioned above and then contact the Graduate School Office for guidance.


Once applicants have accepted their offer to study at Southampton, the Graduate School will ask them if they would like a laptop. If so, students will need to request this as per the instructions. At registration, those students who have ordered one will be provided with a laptop for the duration of their candidature. This is to be returned to the Graduate School Office upon submission of the final (post-viva) thesis. Students cannot be awarded until the laptop has been returned.


A limited number of lockers are available outside some of the study rooms. For more details please see the PGR Working Space Policy. A deposit of £50 is payable for all lockers. Locker keys are to be returned to the Graduate School Office along with the laptop and final copy of the thesis and the deposit will then be refunded. Students cannot be awarded until the locker keys have been returned.

To request a locker please contact the Graduate School Office.


PGR students do not have to pay for printing. More information can be found here .

This excludes the printing of the thesis. Students must not use University photocopiers to produce their thesis for examination or for their final copy. Students may be issued with a bill for the costs, if they do. Please see the guidance document Producing your thesis – a guide for research students , which states: "You are responsible for the payment of all costs incurred in the preparation and submission of your thesis."

If students are printing large volumes it should be sent to the University printing facilities . Copier usage is regularly monitored by the Faculty and students who do print exceptionally large volumes may be asked for an explanation.

Finally, PGRs who teach must NOT use their student card for printing documents relating to their teaching. They must use their staff ID or send it to the university printing facility, as above.


If you wish to attend a conference or visit a laboratory, you should discuss the matter with your supervisor in the first instance.

It is the responsibility of any PGR student, and their supervisor, undertaking travel relating to their PhD studies to read the FAH PGR Students International Business travel guidance before the PGR student travels. For the purposes of this document International travel refers to all travel outside of the UK.

The student must complete the FAH PGR Students Business Travel Form and get this signed by their main supervisor before travelling. TThe form must then be returned to the Faculty Internationalisation team ( ).

Both the student and supervisor should refer to the guidance notes on whether they need to complete an off-site working risk assessment form or general risk assessment form. Links to these forms can be found on the guidance notes. If a risk assessment is needed for business travel, particularly international travel, please ensure it is prepared and signed off by a member of the supervisory team prior to the planned travel.

Events around the world continue to highlight the importance of planning trips appropriately and remaining vigilant while away. The University’s International Business Team have put together a comprehensive list of the things to consider whilst travelling abroad on business. It includes information on what you should consider when writing your risk assessment and what to do if you experience difficulties whilst travelling overseas .

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