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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College PGR Handbook

Support and Welfare

Where to get help

Graduate School Office

The Graduate School Office team is your first point of contact once you have commenced your programme. They are responsible for maintaining your student records, ensuring that you are on track for your studies and being there if you need a helping hand! They deal with most issues, from progression queries to finance issues to graduation and award processes.

If you have any sort of problems, be it personal, supervisory, financial, PGR Tracker/PGR Manager or needing to suspend, the Graduate School Office team can guide you to what options are available to you and help you through the process. They provide different types of administrative support for PGR students such as letter production, and if you are not sure of any processes or procedures then they will guide you. You will also find an array of useful information on this website.

Gradnet and Social Media

Subject Social Media Links


  1. Students will be added to the department mailing list regarding reading groups, conferences, workshops, invited speakers and events like the PGR forum, the PGR social and the staff/students pub quiz
  3. The undergraduate PhilSoc has a Facebook page. This changes from year to year but search 'soton philsoc' on Facebook and it will appear.


Health and Safety

Visit the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Health and Safety Intranet for the full Policy .


As well as providing academic support during your studies, your supervisory team is also responsible for providing pastoral support and/or advice. This may involve referring students to other sources of support, independent mentors and other student support services and checking with students about the effectiveness of any support they are receiving from the University services, and responding to any on-going or acute difficulties.

A supervisor may also refer a student to the Faculty Senior Tutor, Julia Kelly .

Supervisor/Student Contact

Clear two-way communication between supervisor and student is key. It is important that supervisors regularly check their university email account ( and carry out supervisory meetings as appropriate. The regulations state that supervisory meetings should take place at least once a month. In addition please read the Supervisory Meetings Policy .

If the student commenced their candidature prior to 1 August 2016 : this should be done using the Research Supervision Record Form .

The supervision records must be submitted along with an annual report each year as directed.

If the student began their candidature after 1 August 2016: supervisions should be recorded on the Humanities PhD Activity Report.

This report must be completed by the student and supervisor every 3 months as detailed in the schedule on the form and then returned to the Graduate School Office.

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