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The University of Southampton
Doctoral College PGR Handbook

Faculty Training

Here you will find the current compulsory and suggested training opportunities for PGR students within FAH.

Core Training

All Faculties at Southampton must provide students with access to a core set of training which is outlined in Your Doctorate in the Handbook. The core training will be delivered by Faculties in a variety of ways, as outlined below.

Mandated University-level training

In addition, all new doctoral researchers must complete the following mandated training. Failure to complete successfully the mandated training below is a failure to meet the progression requirements and so will result in a failure to progress.

Postgraduate researchers commencing their studies in 2021/22 must complete the following by the time they undertake their Academic Needs Analysis:

Please note that you'll need to be logged into your Office 365 account in order to access the mandatory training page, which is hosted on the new PGR Development Hub SharePoint site.

Online training on data management will be provided by the Library and should be completed by all doctoral researchers commencing their studies in 2021/22 by the time of their first formal progression review.

Faculty Specific Training

Postgraduate Research Training Programme

The Postgraduate Research Training Programme in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers opportunities for PhD students to develop themselves both as researchers and as professionals. We offer training to improve your academic and professional skills, enhance your employability and raise your awareness about the research environment.

Our established programme of academic and professional skills training covers a wide range of topics from Research Ethics to undertaking your Viva, from Getting Published to Giving a Paper. The sessions are mapped against the Vitae Researcher Development Framework , developed in conjunction with Research Councils UK. All courses will be bookable via Gradbook with further online resources for training and skills development available through the Blackboard course PGR-RS Research Skills for Postgraduate Researchers . You can also learn a new language through our Centre for Language Study and undertake training which could lead to teaching through our central Doctoral College .

Our training is available face to face and online through Blackboard .

Assessing your Skills

Training should be understood as an integral part of the PhD.  At the start of each new year of study we ask you to assess your current skills. You will undertake an Academic Needs Analysis to help you to identify the skills you would like to improve. We view ‘training’ as more than just sitting through a training session so we encourage you to think creatively about opportunities for developing your skills. For example, you can attend a conference or research seminar, start a student group, give papers/presentations and of course, attend our Graduate School training sessions.

The Postgraduate Research Training Programme booklet contains information about all our sessions, accreditation, online materials, and more.

The Blackboard course PGR-RS: Research Skills for Postgraduate Researchers contains online versions of Humanities training sessions and interactive courses from outside provider Epigeum.

All enquiries should be sent to


In addition to the training programme run by the PGR Training team in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, GradNet also run some student-led seminars. Please refer to the GradNet website for more information on these. The departments within the Faculty also hold seminars throughout the year. Students will be told about suitable ones to attend either by their supervisor or the department may send out open invitations to events by email.


Demonstrator Training

Please see the Training for Teaching and Demonstrating section on our Training and Professional Development page .

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