Mr Bhaskar K Somani MRCS, FEBU, FRCS(Urol)
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Honorary Senior Lecturer
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Mr Bhaskar K Somani is Consultant Urological Surgeon within Medicine at the University of Southampton.
Mr Somani is the Endourology lead, with responsibility for running the stone clinics, operating lists, MDT and lithotripsy services (SWL). He is a high volume surgeon and performs more than 200 ureteric or renal endoscopic procedures per year, specializing in paediatric stone surgery.
Mr Somani published one of the first papers in the world on upper tract PDD using oral 5ALA for upper urinary tract tumour diagnosis. His papers on testicular torsion, erectile dysfunction, haematuria and penile length measurement are among the largest series in the UK. Mr Somani has also published systematic reviews on ureteroscopy in obese patients, patients with bleeding diathesis, patients with very large stones, in pregnancy, in horseshoe kidneys and for stones in paediatric population.
Mr Somani is the audit lead for the unit. He is also the simulation and benign urology research lead for Wessex.
He has published more than 90 papers and 150 published abstracts in national and international meetings.