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The University of Southampton

Mrs Julie Hooper Edexcel Foundation degree in counselling using CBT and TA techniques

Clinical Research Trial Manager

Mrs Julie Hooper's photo

Julie Hooper is a Clinical Research Trial Manager within Medicine at the University of Southampton

Research trials are a challenge and one I thrive on!

Julie joined the University of Southampton in 2010 as a part-time research trial assistant in Primary Medical Care, whilst running her own counselling CBT and TA business. Since then, Julie has managed/co-ordinated many trials in Primary Care, ranging from a small single centre trial to large multi-centre, NIHR funded trials.

She also enjoys being a mentor for the University, mainly advising employees on work/life balance and working relationships.

Julie is currently managing two NIHR funded studies:

PROMPPT (MOPP) Study - Improving care for patients prescribed opioids for persistent pain.
The MOPP study is part of an NIHR funded research programme called PROMPPT, (Proactive clinical Review of patients taking Opioid Medicines long-term for persistent Pain led by clinical Pharmacists in primary care Teams) which is being led by Keele University in collaboration with the Universities of Nottingham, Southampton and Royal Holloway, London. The cluster randomised controlled trial will investigate whether providing a practice pharmacist-led pain review (PROMPPT review) for patients prescribed long-term opioids for persistent pain reduces opioid use (daily morphine equivalent dose) without making pain or pain-related interference worse.

ECO - Eczema Care Online
This programme of research aims to promote effective eczema self-care by improving individuals' knowledge of eczema treatments and influencing attitudes, skills, and habits related to treatment use.

Trial Manager for PROMPPT (MOPP) Study – University of Southampton.

Trial Manager for ECO – University of Southampton.
ECO - Eczema Care Online

2017 – 2019
Trial Co-Ordinator for STREAM – University of Southampton.
STREAM - Screen and TREAt for Malnutrition

2016 – 2017
Trial Co-Ordinator for CLASP – University of Southampton.
Development of an internet-supported intervention for supporting quality of life for people who have had cancer

Trial Co-ordinator for ALICE – University of Southampton.
ALICE - Antivirals for influenza like illness - an RCT of clinical and cost effectiveness in primary care

2015 - 2016
Trial Co-Ordinator for CONTACT - University of Keele.
Colchicine or Naproxen Treatment for Acute Gout

2015 – 2015
Trial Administrator for ATAFUTI Southampton Clinical Trials Unit - University of Southampton.
Alternative Treatments of Adult Female Urinary Tract Infection: a double blind, placebo controlled, factorial randomised trial of Uva ursi and open pragmatic trial of ibuprofen

2014 – 2016
Trial Administrator for BATHE (PI: Dr Miriam Santer) University of Southampton.
Bath Additives for the Treatment of cHildhood Eczema (BATHE). A pragmatic 2-armed non-blinded randomised controlled trial. To determine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of adding bath emollient to the standard management of atopic eczema in children

2013 - 2015
Trial Administrator POWeR, (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.
Positive Online Weight Reduction. To estimate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a) an internet based behavioural intervention with face-to-face support as needed and b) an internet behavioural intervention with remote support among obese patients in primary care.

Administrator for ACTIB, (PI: Dr Hazel Everitt) University of Southampton.
(Assessing Cognitive behavioural Therapy in Irritable Bowel): A randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost effectivensss of therapist delivered cognitive behavioural therapy and web-based self-management in irritable bowel syndrome.

Jan 2014 – Aug 2014
Trial Administrator and Data Management PRIME PROGRAMME (TASTE, SNIFS, INTERNET DOCTOR), & SMILE– (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.
Taste -
Treatment Alternatives for Sore Throat in Everyday practice.

A Primary Care Randomised Controlled Trial of Probiotics, Xylitol and Sorbitol for Acute Sore Throat.

Snifs - Steam inhalation and Nasal Irrigation For recurrent Sinusitis

A primary care randomised controlled trial of nasal irrigation and steam inhalation for recurrent sinusitis.

Smile - Self Measurement and management using the Internet for lowering blood pressure in Everyday practice.

A Primary Care Randomised Controlled Trial of Usual Care, Home measurement and Tele-monitoring and Intensive Web Based Lifestyle Intervention for High Blood Pressure.

Internet Dr

A primary care trial of a tailored interactive website for the self-management of respiratory infections.

Trial Administrator CANDID, (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.

Multicentre RCT to investigate symptoms and examinations for predicting lung and bowel cancer in 20,000 patients.

Trial Secretary ASPEN, (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.

Pilot RCT in Hampshire to investigate chronic or recurrent back pain, to understand the mechanisms of recovery, and whether Alexander Technique (AT) lessons and physiotherapy courses help in 80 patients.

Trial Manager TARGET for Southampton Centre, (PI: Professor Alastair Hay) University of Bristol.

Using the diagnostic and prognostic utility of symptoms, signs and microbiological investigations to improve the TARGETING of antibiotics and healthcare resources for children with respiratory tract infections seen in primary care.

Trial Administrator (GRACE WP10b), (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.

Multi-national RCT of web-based training in communication skills and use of a CRP point of care test in acute RTI in 8 EU countries in 14,000 patients.

Trial Administrator (GRACE WP10a), (PI: Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.

Multi-national RCT to investigate the benefit of antibiotic in patients with LRTI in 13 EU networks. 6,000 patients recruited to observational study, 3000 to CTIMP.

Trial Administrator for GLOW, (PI: Professor Michael Moore)  University of Southampton.

The Global Longitudinal study of Osteoporosis in Women is a prospective cohort study of physician practices in the provision of prophylaxis and treatment against osteoporotic fractures.

Trial Administrator for The PIPS Study. (PI Professor Paul Little) University of Southampton.

A Pragmatic Randomised Trial of Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Steam and Delayed Prescribing for Patients with Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care

Please visit the Primary Care website.

Research group

Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education

Affiliate research group

Research project(s)

ECO - Eczema Care Online

This programme of research aims to promote effective eczema self-care by improving individuals’ knowledge of eczema treatments and influencing attitudes, skills, and habits related to treatment use.

Julie has been a Trial Steering Committee member for James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership for cellulitis research.

She has also recently been a committee member for the REACH (Research, Education, Advice, Communication, Health) group

Mrs Julie Hooper
AHC Room 142

Room Number : 9590 AHC/Contact Reception/S2

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