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Emeritus Professor Mark Mullee BSc (Hons), MSc (Biological Computation), MSc (Medical Statistics)

Professorial Fellow of Medical Statistics

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Professor Mark Mullee is a Professorial Fellow of Medical Statistics within the School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton.

Mark is a senior Research Adviser within NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Research Design Service (RDS) South Central , having been its Director from 2009-18. His qualifications include: First Class Honours degree in Applied Biology (Liverpool Polytechnic) in 1980; MSc in Biological Computation (University of York) in 1982; Chartered Statistician status by the Royal Statistical Society in 1993; MSc with Distinction in Medical Statistics (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) in 2001.

He has been an academic in the University of Southampton since 1984. Mark has a portfolio of 150+ publications, many in high impact internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet and British Medical Journal. His major contribution as a medical statistician is providing expertise from identifying the research question, study design, writing grant applications and study management through to analysis, writing research papers and dissemination. He has expertise of a variety of study designs from feasibility and pilot studies through to large observational studies and Phase III clinical trials.

He is the lead applicant for two bids which resulted in The Department of Health and Social Care awarding two contracts to the University of Southampton to run the RDS South Central regional service. In 2009, £5M was awarded to run the service for 5-years (2009-13). The second award secured funds of £5.3M, to run service from 2013-18. He is a co-applicant of the successful bid in for the third RDS South Central contract to run the service for a further five-years, 2018-23.

The RDS provides design and methodological support to health and social care researchers to develop grant applications to the NIHR and other national peer-reviewed funding programmes.

RDS South Central employs approximately 32 staff spread across four higher education institutions: University of Southampton (the coordinating centre); University of Oxford; University of Portsmouth; and University of Oxford Brookes. RDS South Central is one of ten regional RDSs covering England.

Public Involvement in research is a fundamental part of the NIHR. Mark Mullee was a key member of the group of RDS Directors who worked in partnership with the Wessex Institute to submit a tender. The Department of Health and Social Care awarded a £3.2M four-year contract (starting 1st February 2016) to the University of Southampton, for the Wessex Institute/RDS partnership to deliver the INVOLVE service. Mark is also co-Director of the Wessex Public Involvement Network.


BSc (Hons, First Class), Applied Biology, Liverpool Polytechnic (awarded 1980).

MSc Biological Computation, University of York (awarded 1982).

MSc (Distinction) Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (awarded 2011).

Appointments held

Faculty of Medicine Programmer, University of Southampton, 1984-1992

Senior/Principal Research Fellow , University of Southampton, 1992-2004

Director, Research & Development Support Unit, University of Southampton, 2004-2009

Associate Professor and Director , NIHR Research Design Service South Central, University of Southampton, 2009-2016

Professorial Fellow of Medical Statistics, NHIR Research Design Service South Central, University of Southampton, 2016-present

Research interests

Mark Mullee has a portfolio of 150+ publications, many in high impact internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, British Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine and British Journal of Surgery. Several articles have been cited >200 times.

He is co-author of the paper “Delayed antibiotic prescribing strategies for respiratory tract infections in primary care: pragmatic, factorial, randomised controlled trial”. It was one of five publications selected as finalists in the category of “Research Paper of the Year” for the British Medical Journal Research Awards 2015. Mark Mullee was involved in the research design, analysis of the data and writing of the research paper as well being a co-application of the research grant.

Selection of Recent papers:

1. Kennedy CR, McCann DC, Campbell MJ, Law CM, Mullee M, Petrou S, Watkin P, Worsfold S, Yuen HM, Stevenson J. Language ability after early detection of permanent childhood hearing impairment. New England Journal of Medicine, 2006, 354 (20), 2131-2141.

2. Birmingham L, Coulson D, Mullee M, Kamal M, Gregoire A. The mental health of women in prison mother and baby units. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 2006, 17(3), 393-404.

3. Williamson I, Benge S, Mullee M A, Little P. Consultations for middle ear disease, antibiotic prescribing and risk factors for reattendance: a case-linked cohort study. British Journal of General Practice, 2006, 56(524), 170-175.

4. Little P, Turner S, Rumsby K, Warner G, Moore M, Lowes JA, Smith H, Hawke C, Mullee M. Developing clinical trial rules to predict urinary trial infection in primary care settings: sensitivity and specificity of near patient tests (dipsticks) and clinical scores. British Journal of General Practice, 2006, 56 (529), 606-612.

5. George S, Primrose J, Talbot R, Smith J, King P, Mullee M, Bailey D, du Boulay C, Jordan H. On behalf of the Wessex Colorectal Cancer Working Group. Will Rogers revisited: prospective observational study of survival of 3592 patients with colorectal cancer according to number of nodes examined by pathologists. British Journal of Cancer, 2006, 95 (7), 841-847.

6. Gibson D, Bruton A, Lewith GT, Mullee MA. Effects of acupuncture as a treatment for hyperventilation syndrome: A pilot randomized crossover trial. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 2007, 13 (1), 39-46

7. Kaushik A, Mullee M, Bryant T, Hill CM. A study of the association between children’s access to drinking water in primary schools and their fluid intake: Can water be ‘cool’ in school?. Child Care Health and Development, 2007, 33 (4), 409-415.

8. Guzder RN, Gatling W, Mullee MA, Byrne CD. Early mortality from the time of diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes: a 5-year prospective cohort study with a local age- and sex-matched comparison cohort. Diabetic Medicine, 2007, 24 (10), 1164-1167.

9. Julious SA, Mullee MA. Issues with using baseline in a last observation carried forward analysis. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2008, 7 (2), 142-146.

10. Adams J, Burridge J, Mullee M, Hammond A, Cooper C. The clinical effectiveness of static resting splints in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology, 2008; 47 (10), 1548-1553.

11. Mullee M A, Briggs R S, Turnbull J C, Coleman PC and Stevenson J E. Self-rated activity levels and longevity: Evidence from a 20 year longitudinal study. International Journal of Ageing & Human Development. 2008, 67 (2), 171-186.

12. Armstrong B, Walthall H, Clancy M, Mullee M, Simpson H. Recording of vital signs in a district general hospital emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 2008, 25 (12), 799-802.

13. Bethell HJN, Glover JD, Evans JA, Turner SC, Mehta RL, Mullee MA. The relationship between BNP and risk assessment in cardiac rehabilitation. British Journal of Cardiology, 2008, 15(3), 161-165.

14. Moore M, Yuen HM, Dunn N, Mullee MA, Maskell J, Kendrick T. Explaining the rise in antidepressant prescribing. A descriptive study using the General Practice Research Database. BMJ, 2009,339:b3999

15. Turner DA, Little PS, Turner S, Raftery J, Smith HE, Arscott A, Rumsby K, Mullee MA. Cost-effectiveness of management strategies for urinary tract infections: results from a randomized controlled trial. BMJ, 2010, 340: c346.

16. Little P, Moore M, Turner S, Rumsby K, Warner G, Lowes JA, Smith H, Hawke C, Leydon G, Ascot M, Turner D, Mullee M. Effectiveness of five different approaches in management of urinary tract infection: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 2010;340:c199.

17. Adams J, Mullee M, Burridge J, Hammond A, Cooper C. Responsiveness of self-report and therapist-rated upper extremity structural impairment and functional outcome measures in early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research, 2010, 62(2): 274-278.

18. Gregoire A, Birmingham L, Mullee M, Dolan R, Coulson D. The mental health and treatment needs of imprisoned mothers of young children. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 2010, 21(3): 378-392.

19. Yardley L, Barker F, Muller I, Turner D, Kirby S, Mullee M, Morris A, Little P. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of booklet based vestibular rehabilitation for chronic dizziness in primary care: a single blind, parallel group, pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2012;344:e2237

20. Little P, Hobbs R, Mant D, McNulty CAM, Mullee M on behalf of the PRISM investigators. Incidence and clinical variables associated with streptococcal throat infections: a prospective diagnostic cohort study. British Journal of General Practice 2012; e787

21. Little P, Stuart B, Moore M, Coenen S, Butler C, Godycki-Cwirko M, Mierzecki A, Chlabicz S, Torres T, Almirall J, Davies M, Schaberg T, Molstad S, Blasi F, DE Sutter A, Kersnik J, Hupkova H, Touboul P, Hood K, Mullee M, O’Reilly G, Brigman C, Goossens H, Verheij T on behalf of the GRACE consortium. Amoxicillin for acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care when pneumonia is suspected: 12-country, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2013, 13(2): 123-129.

22. Little P, Stuart B, Hobbs FD, Butler CC, Hay AD, Campbell J, Delaney B, Broomfield S, Barratt P, Hood Kerenza, Everitt, Mullee M, Williamson I, Mant D, Moore, M on behalf of DESCARTE investigators. Predictors of suppurative complications for acute sore throat in primary care: prospective clinical cohort study. BMJ 2013;347:f6867

23. Little P, Moore M, Kelly J, Williamson I, Leydon G, McDermott L, Mullee M, Stuart B on behalf of the PIPS investigators. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, and steam for Patients with respiratory tract infections in primary care: a pragmatic randomised factorial trial. BMJ 2013;347:f6041

24. Little P, Hobbs FDR, Moore M, Mant D, Williamson I, Delaney B, MCNulty C, Cheng MY, Leydon G, McManus R, Kelly J, Barnett, Glasziou P, Mullee M on behalf of the PRISM investigators. PRISM (PRImary care Streptococcal Management). Clinical Score and rapid antigen detection test to guide antibiotic use for sore throats: randomized controlled trial of PRISM (primary streptococcal management). BMJ 2013;347:f5806

25. Little P, Stuart B, Francis N Douglas E, Tonkin-Crine S, Anthierens S, Cals JWL, Melbye H, Santer M, Moore M, Coenen S, Butler C, Hood K, Kelly M, Godycki-Cwirko M, Mierzecki A, Torres A, Llor C, Davies M, Mullee M, O’Reilly G, van der Velden A, Geraghty AWA, Goossens H. Effects of internet-based training on antibiotic prescribing rates for acute respiratory-tract infections: a multinational, cluster, randomized, factorial, controlled trial. The Lancet 2013;382:1175-1182.

26. Little P, Moore M, Kelly J, Williamson I, Leydon G, McDermott, Mullee M, Stuart B on behalf of the PIPS investigators. Delayed antibiotic prescribing strategies for respiratory tract infections in primary care: pragmatic factorial, randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2014;348:g1606

27. Little P, Stuart B, Hobbs R, Butler CC, Hay AD, Delaney B, Campbell J, Broomfield S, Barratt P, Hood K, Everitt H, Mullee M, Williamson I, Mant D, Moore M on behalf of the DESCARTE investigators. Antibiotic prescription strategies for acute sore-throat: a prospective observational cohort study. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014;14(3):213-219.

28. Summers R, Moore M, Byrne J, Byrne C, Mullee M A, Welbourn R, Elsey H, Roderick P. Perceptions of weight, diabetes and willingness to participate in randomised controlled trials of bariatric surgery for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and body mass index 30-39.9kg/m2. Obesity Surgery 2015, 25:1039–1046

29. Little P, Stuart B, Hobbs FDR, Moore M, Barnett J, Popoola D, Middleton K, Kelly J, Mullee M, Raftery J, Yao G, Carman W, Fleming D, Stokes-Lampard H, Williamson I, Joseph J, Miller S, Yardley L. An internet-delivered handwashing intervention to modify influenza-like illness and respiratory infection transmission (PRIMIT): a primary care randomised trial. Lancet, 2015, 386: 1631-39.

30. Marshall A, Spreadbury J, Cheston R, Coleman P, Ballinger C, Mullee M, Pritchard J, Russell C, Bartlett E. A pilot randomised controlled trial to compare changes in quality of life for participants with early diagnosis dementia who attend a ‘Living Well with Dementia’ group compared to waiting-list control. Aging & Mental Health, 2015, 19:6, 526-535

Mark Mullee has been a co-applicant on the these recent successful grant applications :

NIHR £5.3M awarded 2012
Mullee M , Ballinger C, Jenkinson C, Boulton M, George S, Luengo-Fernandez R, Markham C, Yu L-M, Pradha n F, Jones J, Pallikadavath S.
NIHR Research Design Service South Central

BUPA £230,000 awarded 2011
Clarke S, Faust S, Jeffries J, Roderick P, Mullee M , Moore M.
Optimising sample collection to detect carriage of Streptococcus pneumonia and other pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract – a pilot study.

NIHR RfPB £249,624 awarded 2010
Burridge J, Yardley L, Jenkinson D, Hughes A-M, Mullee M , Weal M. Turner D.
Development and pilot evaluation of a web-supported programme of Constraint Induced Therapy following stroke (LifeCIT).

NIHR/MRC EME £973,304 awarded 2010
Ottensmeier C, Rezvani K, Stevenson F, Williams T, Orchard K, Mullee M , Moore E, Marin-Costa D, Goldman J, Anstee D.
A novel anti-Wilms-Tumour-1 (WT1) vaccination strategy in haematological malignancy using DNA fusion vaccines delivered with electroporation.

NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research £1,999,790 awarded 2009
Sonuga-Barke E, Thompson M, Daley D, Coghill D, Barton J, Chen W, Latter S, Turner D, Tolcher R, Mullee M , George S, Laver-Bradbury C.
The development of an integrated early detection and intervention model for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

NIHR RfPB £212,914 awarded 2009
Roderick P, Byrne J, Elsey H, Byrne C, Moore M, Welbourn R, Mullee M.
Optimum care for non-morbidly obese patients with type 2 diabetes: the perspectives of patients and clinicians on the role of bariatric surgery

HTA Clinical Trials £2,627,333 awarded 2009
Thursz M, Mullee M , Donaldson C, Roderick P, Austin A, O’Grady J, Day C, Forrest E, Ryder S, Stewart S, Alison M.
STeroids or Pentoxifyline for Alcoholic Hepatitis (STOPAH) Trial.

NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research £1,358,275 awarded 2008
Arden N, Carr A, Cooper C, Price A, Javaid M, Beard D, Clarke N, Raftery J, Murray D, Mullee M , Price C.
Lower limb arthroplasty: can we predict outcome and failure and is it cost effective?

NIHR RfPB £248,987 awarded 2008
Gray J, Bate J, Heath P, Clarke S, Faust S, Mullee M , Chisholm J.
Investigating the clinical use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

MRC £1,501,889 awarded 2007
Little P, Yardley L, Hobbs R, Moore M, Williamson I, Mullee M , Wills G, Raftery J, Flemimg D, Carman W.
A PRimary care trial of an Infection control website to Modify Influenza-like illness (ILI) and RTI Transmission

Cancer Research UK £161,500 awarded 2006

NIHR PGfAR £1.999,372 awarded 2009
Little P, Mullee M , George S, Raftery J, Moore M, Williamson I, Yardley L, Leydon G, Wills G, Mant D, Tolcher R, Glasziou P.
PRimary care Infection Management for Everyday practice (PRIME)


Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education

Research project(s)


A primary care trial of a website based infection control intervention to modify influenza-like illness and respiratory infection transmission.

Postgraduate student supervision

2004 Michael Spratt MSc
2004 Edward Ankamah MSc
2003 Claire Hoggins MSc

Faculty of Medicine

NIHR Research Design Service South Central Senior Research Advisor.

Primary Care and Population Sciences Senior Management Team.

University of Southampton

Rotating Chair, Wessex NIHR Directors

Southampton Centre for Biomedical Research Operations and Management Committee

National responsibilities

Chair, National Research Design Service Strategy Group

INVOLVE Executive Group

Steering Committees

Ankle Recovery Trial, Poole Hospital, Dorset

Randomised Controlled Trial of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in a Hospital at Home setting, University of Oxford

PRIMROSE - Prediction and management of cardiovascular risk for people with severe mental illnesses. A research programme and trial in primary care, University College London

NIHR RDS South Central Master Class: Statistical considerations for grant applications .

22 March 2013
Good news for health and social care researchers seeking support with funding applications. Please click here for full news item.

Emeritus Professor Mark Mullee
NIHR RDS (Research Design Service) South Central
Level C (805)
South Academic Block
Southampton General Hospital
Tremona Road
SO16 6YD

Tel: 023 8120 6557 / 4778

Room Number: SGH/AC17/MP805

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