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The University of Southampton

Dr Zhixin Feng BSc, MSc, PhD

Global Health Senior Research Fellow

Dr Zhixin Feng's photo

Zhixin (Frank) Feng is a senior research fellow based in the School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education at the University of Southampton. Prior to this, he was a Senior Research Fellow (2017-2019) and Research Fellow (2013-2016) in the Centre for Research on Ageing and ESRC Centre for Population Change in Faculty of Social Science, University of Southampton. He has been involved in five ESRC-funded projects (Co-investigator in two ESRC projects) and one EPSRC-funded project, and he was a Principal Investigator in one Worldwide University Network (WUN) (Title: The effectiveness of health service/investment interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in health among older people in China: a longitudinal study). He obtained his PhD degree in Human Geography at University of Bristol. His thesis was awarded ‘Best Research Degree Thesis’ in the Faculty of Social Science and Law at the University of Bristol in 2013.

Frank’s research interests are population health, health geography, health inequality, social security, ageing, and age-friendly environment/cities.


Appointments held:

Research interests

Frank’s research interests are population health, health geography, health inequality, social security, ageing, and age-friendly environment/cities.

Research projects

CHERISH (Couples HEalth Research and InterventionS) programme, funded by NIHR

Worldwide University Network Research Development Fund: Frank has led one project funded under this initiative (2018-2019). It included colleagues from Zhejiang University, Renmin University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, The University of Hong Kong and other 20 universities in China and focused on The effectiveness of health service/investment interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in health among older people in China: a longitudinal study. More information can be found here .

ESRC Secondary Data Initiative : Frank has been involved in two projects funded under this initiative. The first one (2012-4) included colleagues Dr Vlachantoni, Prof. Falkingham and Prof. Evandrou, and focused on the pension protection among ethnic minority groups in the UK using Understanding Society data; and the second one (2016-8, Co-Investigator) included colleagues Dr Vlachantoni, Prof. Falkingham, Prof. Evandrou and Dr Wang, and used mixed methods to analyse data from the National Child Development Study in order to explore informal care provision in mid-life. More information can be found on the CRA's research projects page .

ESRC Global Challenges Research Fund : Frank is working as part of an international project led by Professor Maria Evandrou called the Global Ageing and Long-term Care Network (GALNet), involving colleagues from the UK, India, China, Kenya and Argentina. More details can be found on the Global Ageing and Long-Term Care Network (GALNet) project page .

Research group

Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education

Affiliate research group

Population Health Sciences Research group

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Feng, Z., Wang, W., Jones, K., & Li, Y. (2012). An exploratory multilevel analysis of income, income inequality and self-rated health of the elderly in China. Social Science & Medicine,75(12),2481-2492.

Feng, Z., Wang, W., & Jones, K.(2013). A multilevel analysis on the role of family and the state in self-rated health of Chinese elderly. Submitted to Health & Place. (Forthcoming).

  • Demonstrator for Introduction to Statistics and SPSS, 2019
  • Demonstrator for Critical Issues in Global Health: Concepts and Case Studies, 2019
  • Tutor for Quantitative Research Methods for distance learning master students, 2015-2016
  • Statistics Adviser for Quantitative Methods I for a PhD student, 2015-2017
  • Instructor for Ageing in China and South-east Asia for postgraduate, 2014-2015
  • Instructor for Global Ageing and Policy: Poverty and Social Protection around the World for postgraduate, 2013-2014
  • Instructor for Understanding Modern China for year 2 and year 3 undergraduate, 2013-2014
  • Teaching assistant for Multilevel models for analysing contextuality, heterogeneity and change course in Essex Summer School, 2010 to 2012
  • Teaching assistant for Spatial modelling 3: Spatial Analysis with complex data for year 3 undergraduate students at University of Bristol, 01/2011-04/2013
  • Teaching assistant for Spatial modelling 1: Application statistics for year 1 undergraduate students at University of Bristol, 01/2010-04/2013
  • Teaching assistant for Spatial modelling 2: (R programming and multiple regression analysis) for year 2 undergraduate students at University of Bristol, 09/2010-12/2012
  • Teaching assistant for Geography methods (Arcgis and Envi application) for year 1 undergraduate students at University of Bristol, 09/2009-12/2012
Dr Zhixin Feng
Room AB230, Level B, South Academic Block, University Hospital Southampton, School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton
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