Research interests
1. Cellular metabolism, oxygen consumption and the mitochondrion
Using both molecular and electrochemical techniques this research examines the dynamics of mitochondrial function in normal and diseased cells. I am also interested in further developing micron proportioned amperometric sensors to map oxygen profiles around single identified cells.
With postdoctoral researcher Dr John Findlay.
External collaborators, Dr Kambiz Alavian (Imperial) and Prof. E. Jonas (Yale)
Doctoral Candidates
2016 Maria Strickland: Cellular metabolism and regulation of mitochondrial efficiency - healthy ageing across the life course. With primary supervisor Sylvia Pender and David Johnson (UoS: Medicine) and Anis Larbi (A*STAR)
2015 Eleni Georgiades: Characterisation of a new mitochondrial potassium channel, K2P15.1. BBSRC With Maurits De Planque (UoS: Electronic and Computing Science) and Ita O’Kelly (Enterprise).
2. Developing new super-oscillatory technology for unlabelled super-resolution cellular imaging
In collaboration with researchers in the Optoelectronics Research Centre I’m working on developing a novel method for super-resolution imaging of unlabelled living cells. The technique fuses the principles of the super-oscillating lens with an advanced form of polarised microscopy.
With postodctoral researcher Dr Edward Rogers
And investigators Prof Nikolay Zheludev (ORC), Prof John Chad, and Dr Tracey Newman (Medicine). External advisory Dr Rudolf Oldenbourg, MBL and Univ. of Chicago.
Southampton Enterprise Fund 2013 – 2016: PI £480K
3. Optical tools for ion measurement
Collaborating with chemists Richard and Linda Brown as well as Phil Bartlett we are designing activated nanoscale substrates with tethered sensors to return ion activity with nanodimension spatial information. The goal is to generate cell compatible surfaces reporting, in real time, the changes in boundary layer ion activity. We’re currently targeting hydrogen and potassium ions.
Doctoral Candidate
2014 Victor Lethuillier, Chemistry: Imaging substrates for monitoring the diffusive boundary layer of living cells. With Phil Bartlett, Richard Brown and Linda Brown (UoS: Chemistry).
4. Microenvironment regulaton in phytoplankton
Collaborating with Prof Colin Brownlee of OES and the MBA Plymouth, I contribute expertise to the critical mechanistic understanding of membrane transport, cellular regulation and key physiological processes at the single cell level along with information on the microenvironment that surrounds cells. We’re studying transport processes in phytoplankton, including the coccolithophores and their calcium carbonate deposition mechanism.
Doctoral Candidate
2016 Friedrich Kleiner, OES: The molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in unicellular algae. With primary supervisor Colin Brownlee ERC
5. Joining the Dots: From data to insight
This is an interdisciplinary programme that aims to create a powerful fusion of statistics, machine learning and topological data analysis able to deal with complex, heterogeneous, time-dependent multi-dimensional data sets. Our investigation will be informed by and tested on key problems in medicine and the sciences where the lack of appropriate analytic tools is now a major obstacle to progress.
With Profs J Brodski (PI:Maths), R Djukanovic (Medicine), J Frey, M Niranjan (ECS), J Foster (Maths) and P Skipp
Postdoctoral researchers: Conor Smyth, Mariam Pirashvili, Francisco Belchi Guillamon
EPSRC 2015-2019 award. Co-PI £1.218M
Other Research Funding – current and recent:
Co-Applicant Confidence in Concept (PI Salim Khakoo) MRC award £224K.
Co-Applicant. Discovery Awards: Maths, Engineering and Life Sciences: Making connections for precision medicine. With Deborah MacKay, John Holloway, Cyrus Cooper (Medicine), Jacek Brodzki and Ben MacArthur (Mathematics). MRC award £500K
Principal Investigator: Global Partnership Award 'Exploration of polarisation contrast in super-oscillatory imaging' – with the Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago. £4,695.
Co-Investigator on Southampton Imaging: 3D Imaging at millimetre to nanometre scales for regenerative medicine using multiple complimentary modalities. With Richard Oreffo (PI) Medicine, Anton Page (Medicine), Peter Lackie (Medicine), Ian Sinclair (Engineering). MRC Award £1.171M - Capital Equipment for Regenerative Medicine.
Co-Investigator on EPSRC Laser-printable point-of-care sensors for low-cost medical diagnosis and disease monitoring. Principal Investigator, Prof. Robert Eason, Optoelectronics Research Centre, Co-Investigators Dr Spiros Garbis Cancer Sciences, Dr Saul Faust Medicine, Researcher-Co-Investigator Dr Collin Lawrence. £186K (EPSRC).
PhD/MPhil Supervision
Maria Strickland:
Cellular metabolism and regulation of mitochondrial efficiency - healthy ageing across the life course. With primary supervisor Sylvia Pender and David Johnson (UoS: Medicine) and Anis Larbi (A*STAR. Funded by A*Star and Vice Chancellors Award.
Eleni Georgiades:
Characterisation of a new mitochondrial potassium channel, K2P15.1. With Maurits De Planque (UoS: Electronic and Computing Science) and Ita O’Kelly (Enterprise). Funded by BBSRC (O’Kelly).
Victor Lethuillier:
Imaging substrates for monitoring the diffusive boundary layer of living cells. With Phil Bartlett, Richard Brown and Linda Brown (UoS: Chemistry). Funded by Internal.
Friedrich Kleiner:
The molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in unicellular algae. With primary supervisor Colin Brownlee. Funded by ERC (Brownlee).
Research group
Institute for Life Sciences (IfLS)
Affiliate research groups
Southampton Neuroscience Group (SoNG)
Nanoscale Imaging
Computationally Intensive Imaging
Research project(s)
Grant - Charting Intercellular Space
The principal aim of this project is to demonstrate sensing in the extracellular/intercellular space using functionalized quantum dots. Spatial and temporal information on intercellular concentrations will allow us to study how analyte concentrations in the EICS are linked to physiological status.
Investigating the interface between metabolism and neurodegeneration
This project seeks to combine electrophysiological and oxygen flux detection techniques to examine alterations in metabolism and synaptic functioning in health and disease.
Professor Peter J S Smith
Biological Sciences
Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences
Life Sciences Building 85
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ
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Professor Peter J S Smith's
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