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Ms Jo Kelly

Programme Manager

Ms Jo Kelly

Ms Jo Kelly is Programme Manager within Medicine at the University of Southampton.

Jo started her career in the department of Primary Medical Care in 1995, as a Research Assistant working for Prof Little on a study looking at women’s knowledge of how to use the contraceptive pill correctly. Since then Jo has managed many trials in Primary Care, ranging from a small single centre trial to large multi-centre, NIHR funded trials.

Her areas of interest are: nutrition and health promotion; and the management of common self-limiting illnesses such as respiratory tract infections.

Jo is currently working on two NIHR Programmes: Screen and Treat for Malnutrition (STREAM) and Reducing and preventing cognitive impairment in older age groups (Recon)


BSc (Hons) Food Science with Nutrition – Manchester Metropolitan University 1993


2018- Present Programme Manager, University of Southampton, (Recon) Reducing and preventing cognitive impairment in older age groups

2016- Present Programme Manager, University of Southampton, (STREAM) Screen and Treat for Malnutrition

2015-2018 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (HOME BP) Home & Online Management & Evaluation of Blood Pressure

2012-2015 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (POWeR) Positive Online Management

2010-2012 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (PIPS) PRIME Programme Grant (Non-verbal communication in consultations)

2006-2010 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (PRISM) Primary Care Streptococcal Management

2004-2006 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (GOES) Gentimicin and Hydrocortisone Spray for Otitis Externa

2003-2004 Trial Coordinator, University of Southampton, (Antibiotic Outreach) (ACT), Acute Cough Trial

1998-2002 Trial Manager, University of Southampton,  BHF Hypertension Study

1995-1997 Research Assistant, University of Southampton, (The Pill Study)

1993-1995 Research Assistant, University of Southampton, Department of Nutrition

Trial set up

Ethics approval

Study recruitment and retention

Training of clinicians in study procedure

Ensuring good clinical practice guidelines are adhered to

Management of trial administrator and centre co-ordinators

Monitoring of trial to ensure compliance to protocol

Ms Jo Kelly
Primary Care and Population Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Southampton Aldermoor Health Centre Aldermoor Close Southampton SO16 5ST

Room Number : 9590 AHC/103/S2

Facsimile: (023) 8070 1125

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