Ms Jo Kelly
Programme Manager
Ms Jo Kelly is Programme Manager within Medicine at the University of Southampton.
Jo started her career in the department of Primary Medical Care in 1995, as a Research Assistant working for Prof Little on a study looking at women’s knowledge of how to use the contraceptive pill correctly. Since then Jo has managed many trials in Primary Care, ranging from a small single centre trial to large multi-centre, NIHR funded trials.
Her areas of interest are: nutrition and health promotion; and the management of common self-limiting illnesses such as respiratory tract infections.
Jo is currently working on two NIHR Programmes: Screen and Treat for Malnutrition (STREAM) and Reducing and preventing cognitive impairment in older age groups (Recon)
BSc (Hons) Food Science with Nutrition – Manchester Metropolitan University 1993
2018- Present Programme Manager, University of Southampton, (Recon) Reducing and preventing cognitive impairment in older age groups
2016- Present Programme Manager, University of Southampton, (STREAM) Screen and Treat for Malnutrition
2015-2018 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (HOME BP) Home & Online Management & Evaluation of Blood Pressure
2012-2015 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (POWeR) Positive Online Management
2010-2012 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (PIPS) PRIME Programme Grant (Non-verbal communication in consultations)
2006-2010 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (PRISM) Primary Care Streptococcal Management
2004-2006 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, (GOES) Gentimicin and Hydrocortisone Spray for Otitis Externa
2003-2004 Trial Coordinator, University of Southampton, (Antibiotic Outreach) (ACT), Acute Cough Trial
1998-2002 Trial Manager, University of Southampton, BHF Hypertension Study
1995-1997 Research Assistant, University of Southampton, (The Pill Study)
1993-1995 Research Assistant, University of Southampton, Department of Nutrition