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The University of Southampton
The Student Hub Visa and immigration

Authorised absence from campus

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students

Remote study

Postgraduate Research students

You can request an absence through the My Engagement App which links to SEAtS, the electronic engagement monitoring system.

You can find out about the new system, how to download the app and discover how the system will be used within the Knowledge Base article .

If your absence is 2 weeks or longer, then please discuss with your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) as to how this might affect your studies.

Please also be aware that if you miss a significant number of classes and/or other study-related activities, then this could affect your visa sponsorship. Your Student visa was issued for full-time in person attendance on campus and UK Visas & Immigration expect the University to report students that are not fully engaging and participating in their programme.

If you are experiencing any issues which may be preventing you from attending or participating in your course, then please do inform either your PAT or another Tutor at the earliest opportunity, or your Faculty Student Office , so that they are aware of your situation and can advise you further.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with the University's Student Wellbeing team if you feel you need confidential advice and support.

At 5 weeks of non-engagement with your course, we will contact you and ask you to attend a mandatory visa compliance appointment.

Please note: The information contained in this website is believed to be correct at the time of publication. The University of Southampton cannot accept responsibility for the content of external websites.

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Remote study may include: data collection, field work, attending a conference or other research which is necessary to your current programme of study. Leaving the UK to write up your dissertation/thesis is not considered remote study. If you are not sure whether your request would qualify for remote study please contact us .

To be able to approve your absence, your PAT or Supervisor must consider the following:

  • This period of remote study is essential to the student’s course.
  • The work the student is doing must necessarily be done outside of the UK, and could not be completed on-site at the University of Southampton.
  • The amount of the time the student has requested is proportionate to the work they are undertaking.
  • This student will remain in regular contact with the university (i.e. supervisor or other appropriate member of staff) throughout this period of remote study.

If your PAT/Supervisor cannot confirm all of the above, they will not be able to approve your absence and you will need to discuss alternative options with them, which may include completing your study activity in the UK or suspending your studies.

If you are considering writing up your dissertation or thesis outside of the UK, you must discuss this with your PAT or Supervisor before you leave the UK. If your PAT or Supervisor are able to approve your decision to leave the UK, you must contact us . When you inform VISAS that you will complete your dissertation or thesis outside of the UK, the University will remove sponsorship of your Student visa on the date you plan to leave the UK.

Please note that you may be questioned by Border Control as to why you are travelling during term-time.

To request a period of absence for remote study please submit this on the My Engagement App (for Undergraduate And Postgraduate Taught students) or through PGR Manager (Postgraduate Research students).

Please note: The information contained in this website is believed to be correct at the time of publication. The University of Southampton cannot accept responsibility for the content of external websites.

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The vacation dates for postgraduate research students are University closure days and bank holidays, as stated on the University key dates webpage . When you are writing up your thesis or when your status is nominal you must continue to show attendance full-time in the UK.

In addition to University closure days and Bank Holidays, postgraduate research students are permitted to take 26 working days of annual leave each academic year (01 August – 31 July). Any annual leave you do not take within the current academic year cannot be used in the next academic year. If you start part-way through an academic year, after 01 August, you will only get a pro-rata (reduced) annual leave entitlement for the first year. For example:

  • If you start on 01 February (six months into the academic year) you will only get 13 days of annual leave up until the 31 July in the same year. You will then receive 26 days of annual leave from 01 August to take within the next academic year.

To apply for annual leave, remote study leave or compassionate leave, please complete the relevant form on PGR Manager . Guidance for using PGR Manager can be found here . If you have any problems, please contact your Doctoral College office.

Please note: The information contained in this website is believed to be correct at the time of publication. The University of Southampton cannot accept responsibility for the content of external websites.

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