The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 10.06.19

Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director of Engagement and Advancement

Professor Mark Spearing started the meeting with an update on media coverage over the weekend about a legal case involving the University and a former member of staff, and the award of a substantial payment. He confirmed that an independent investigation had been ordered into why the University’s evidence was not heard, and that legal proceedings to overturn the judgement would be starting immediately. He said a brief update on the situation to inform staff was about to be published on SUSSED News.

The main item on the agenda was a wide-ranging discussion about a refreshed International Strategy (2019-2026) which Winnie Eley, Vice President (International) has been preparing for future discussion by Council. This has been the subject of a number of well-received Town Hall meetings across the University, and comes in the light of substantially changed and fast-moving national and international higher education and geo-political contexts.

There are some key issues to be addressed, including our approach to undergraduate and post-graduate recruitment at international level, how we should approach Transnational Education (TNE), our activities and partnerships in Malaysia and China, new territory priorities, how we leverage our international alumni, how we provide an outstanding international student experience, and ensuring we remain solidly in the world Top 100 rankings. Much to consider –  Winnie Eley was clear we don’t have all the answers yet, and a further refresh to the refresh will be discussed by UEB in the near future.

Then an update by Alex Neill, Vice President (Education) on Subject-level TEF (Teaching and Excellence Framework). The Office for Students (OfS) has been piloting approaches to delivering a TEF at subject level, and has announced that the first full subject-level TEF will be launched in Autumn 2019, with applications due in Spring 2020, with ratings announced in Spring 2021. Meanwhile, an independent review is also running alongside the pilot programme.

UEB agreed recommendations that faculties should prepare for Subject-level TEF as a priority, in a similar vein to preparation for REF, as well as agreeing to the creation of a central University planning group, and to the creation of subject level TEF Champions, who will focus on outputs.

Finally, there was an update on the consultation around the proposed restructure of the Health, Safety and Risk Directorate; a progress update on business planning for 2019-20; and a review of the current operation of the Exceptions Recruitment Panel (ERP).

Professor Spearing ended the meeting by noting the Guardian 2020 league table rankings had been published last week, with our overall position down one at 24th, and with strong improvements in a number of subject areas. He highlighted in particular Music, with a fantastic rise from 13th to 1st place, and Business, Management & Marketing rising from 39th place to 10th, which UEB applauded.


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