Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director of Engagement and Advancement
A number of issues were discussed under the Vice-Chancellor’s Business section at the start of this week’s meeting:
- As has been usual in recent weeks, much of the meeting was dedicated to a detailed discussion about the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak and the University’s preparations for a range of potentially disruptive scenarios ahead. Since late January the University’s Business Continuity Group has been meeting, sometimes several times a week. Chaired by the Chief Operating Officer (Interim) and the Director of Health, Safety & Risk, initially the group focused on supporting our wider community, and handling a small number of suspected cases amongst our students – all of which tested negative. More recently, the group has been focused on ensuring our swift response to the continually-evolving Government advice on travel, and continues to provide our staff and students with regularly updated advice via our University’s dedicated webpage.
In anticipation of a likely move by the Government to introduce further measures to try to delay the spread of the virus, four new subgroups have been set up to focus in detail on: academic research and teaching; faculty business and activity; campus and student services; and professional services. We are also sharing information and experience with other Russell Group universities, while continuing to liaise on a daily basis with local and national health bodies. A large number of people across the University are involved, and are also considering our planned responses to potential scenarios ahead, and their likely short-term impact on education, research and working at the University.
UEB recognises that there are inevitably more questions and concerns from students and staff than we can currently give answers to. We have been clear that we will continue to follow the official advice given by Public Health England and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and if that advice changes, swiftly reflect the updated information on our dedicated webpage. For the moment, official advice means we can continue to operate largely as normal, with the exception of some official travel restrictions and the University’s own advice, to consider very carefully any non-essential university travel, but we may make some additional precautionary changes to our working practises ahead even in this current period.
UEB made three specific decisions this morning: firstly, with regret, a decision was made to postpone the remaining events in the Southampton Science and Engineering Festival (SOTSEF), including the Science and Engineering Day originally scheduled for Saturday 14 March. It had become clear that a growing number of potential attendees were indicating they may not attend due to concerns over large gatherings. This could have had a major impact on the success and enjoyment of the festival, so an alternative date will be found later in the year. The University has apologised for any inconvenience or disappointment this decision caused.
Secondly, UEB agreed that, with immediate effect, all lectures that can be captured using Panopto – the University’s lecture capture system – must be recorded, retained and made available for students to view. This is part of our contingency planning aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, and aims to minimise any disadvantage to students who are unable to attend lectures. Appropriate consents will be obtained and, for the avoidance of doubt, no recording will be used during periods of industrial action without the consent of the lecturer involved. Help guides for using Panopto are available here.
Thirdly, it was agreed that more detailed advice regarding overseas student field trips would be created this week, recognising that some uncertainty around advice may exist, right up to departure dates. - There was also an update on the continuing industrial action at Southampton and 73 other universities, and an update on developments at national level.
On the rest of the agenda today,
- UEB considered a paper setting out new principles for implementation under the Consultancy Policy, primarily aimed at bringing greater clarity and consistency across Faculties on approvals and how proceeds from consulting activity should be shared. UEB recognises that the existing Consultancy Policy has not been applied consistently and that these new principles, approved at Southampton Enterprise Board last year, are needed. The proposals were agreed, to be implemented immediately.
- UEB then considered an update report on the development and resourcing of our Sustainability Strategy, the start of a substantial change programme. In this first phase, a new overarching Environmental Sustainability Strategy Group will be set up; we will be auditing and benchmarking our current environmental status to create a plan for delivery of net zero carbon emissions across all our campus activities; we will be embedding the Sustainability Strategy in all of our University activities; we will be instigating a review of our ethical investment strategy for fossil fuel holdings within our overall investment portfolio; and we will be adding Sustainability implications to all standard University Report Templates to help influence decisions, change behaviours and drive down emissions.
- Finally, there was a regular update on progress with the University’s Athena SWAN action plans; a discussion about the Level 7 Appraisal Ratification for MSA and ERE staff, including the importance of ensuring consistency and fairness across faculties and directorates; and agreement to move to sector best practice with annual online reporting of UEB expenses which will be combined with new annual sustainability reporting on such activity.
The Vice-Chancellor ended the meeting by expressing his, UEB’s and the University’s heartfelt thanks and best wishes to Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, for his immense contribution to the University over the last 20 years, as he prepares to leave Southampton at the end of this week.