Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director, Engagement and Advancement
The Vice-Chancellor started today’s meeting by expressing his and UEB’s warmest congratulations to Professors Stephen Holgate, Jackline Wahba, Lucy Yardley, Paul Elkington and Hywel Morgan who were honoured in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list last weekend. He said it was richly deserved recognition for each of them, and a very proud moment for the University.
On the agenda:
- There was a detailed discussion about how the first week of term had gone with the start of both in-person and online teaching for our new and returned students. UEB heard there had been positive feedback from students and staff about the thinking and quality that had been put into the widespread preparations that have been made to create a COVID-secure campus environment.
- UEB expressed its thanks to all those who have been working as part of the Planning an Active Campus group under the direction of the Chief Operating Officer. As we move from planning to operational delivery mode, this group will now be disbanded and we will move into our normal operational mode as a University, with any major issues that may emerge dealt with through our usual instant-response Gold, Silver and Bronze business continuity protocols.
- Information about our current active student and staff COVID case numbers is now being published transparently on our website and updated by lunchtime each weekday. After reviewing the current data available – at the time of the meeting there were 19 active student cases, and no staff cases – UEB formally agreed, as it now does every week, that the University should remain at the baseline Tier level 1 (of 4) ], which sets out the teaching, research and operational activity appropriate to the prevailing COVID environment.
- In recognition of the enormous commitment and dedication colleagues have given to the University during a challenging year, UEB agreed to provide staff with an additional paid leave Closure Day this year on Wednesday 23 December. UEB expressed its gratitude to all those staff who will be working throughout the festive period, supporting our students – perhaps more so than ever this year – and keeping our campuses operational and safe. For those whose roles will require them to work on this day, the additional holiday entitlement will be added to their overall entitlement to be taken at another time. This additional closure day will be in place of the usual custom of making a contribution towards staff Christmas celebrations, a custom which has been inconsistently applied across the University. This year’s break in that practice will be used as an opportunity to review current custom and practice arrangements and propose an approach that will work consistently for the whole University ahead of Christmas 2021.
- The Chief Executive Officer of University of Southampton Malaysia joined the meeting to provide a detailed update on expansion plans for our Malaysia campus and activities. Construction work on a new campus building is well advanced and the building is due to be handed over on 1 January 2021, with the fit-out scheduled for completion by July next year. New academic and professional service staff are being recruited in order to support the expansion of the programme portfolio. UEB expressed its strong support for expansion and an increase in the programme portfolio, and is optimistic for its success given the Malaysian Government’s clear commitment to higher education.
- There was an update on the Finance Research Hub aimed at supporting delivery of the research strategy and providing a better customer service. Good progress has been made, but there was a recognition that the COVID pandemic and lockdown has brought higher workloads and tighter deadlines, and highlighted challenges to communications through homeworking.
- Finally, UEB reviewed a draft response to the USS technical provisions consultation for the 2020 valuation; agreed a more consistent approach to Level 7 probation periods; approved a proposal to limit automatic email-forwarding to external addresses as part of our heightened cyber-security protection; and carried out its regular review of the Risk Register.