Author: Kieron Broadhead, Executive Director of Student Experience
A full agenda and lively conversation at this week’s meeting of the University Executive Board/Gold Command.
As in previous weeks, the UEB operated as Gold Command to consider the first four items of business.
Gold Command
Gold Command considered a high-level overview report on the breakdown of teaching that is being delivered in different formats in the first couple of weeks of term. Gold Command were pleased to see the range of teaching and in many areas the well-balanced proportion of in-person teaching being provided. Ensuring we do all we can to support our students and staff across the University to be treated equitably (with of course due regard to their personal circumstances) was noted as very important. So far, we have a relatively low infection rate within our community and this is helping students to feel positive about the safety measures on campus and keen to engage with in-person face-to-face education. It was strongly emphasised that we must not become complacent and that colleagues should take all opportunities to reinforce the need of our students to engage in our sector-leading testing programme and to follow the safety protocols.
Gold Command discussed a letter sent to the Vice-Chancellor from the Minister for Universities, Michelle Donelan. This letter focused on student wellbeing and drew attention to the UUK Code on supporting students in isolation. Gold were assured that the University has robust and comprehensive plans in place to provide support to students and staff across the University were thanked for their work on this.
There was consideration of how we should respond to requests from students who are due to join us in January and who may ask for a delay due to mitigating circumstances. Gold Command agreed that we should continue to use the process that was agreed for the start of the autumn term.
Gold Command considered the latest report on the operation of the campus under Covid-19 and the very latest infection rates and agreed that the University of Southampton should remain at Tier 1 in terms of the DfE response levels.
The meeting was re-constituted as UEB for the following items:
Camilla Gibson, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager joined UEB to present the new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2020 – 2025. UEB thanked Camilla for the very significant amount of work that has gone into developing this important piece of work. Camilla articulated the importance of the vision that EDI become embedded truly within the day-to-day life of the University and is not be seen as an ‘add on’ to our work. UEB agreed that there was much for the University to do in this space and reinforced the criticality of this work. There was consideration of how this piece of work links with other strategic initiatives including, for example, the Sustainability Strategy and agreement that we should link a number of initiatives more closely. It was agreed that it was important that the vision be made real and work will continue to enable this aim through engagement with University Council and the wider community.
UEB received a comprehensive update from Mal Allerton, Executive Director of iSolutions on Cybersecurity and Cyber Incident Response. Our cybersecurity is a critical part of university business and one that we must get right, constantly. The update allowed for UEB to consider learnings from other universities and to understand our strengths and risks in this area. Training is being developed that will enable those who access our systems and networks to understand their responsibilities better. UEB supported iSolutions plans for further improvements, will continue to monitor this aspect of our work closely, and thanked colleagues for their crucial work in this area.
UEB received a paper from Lorna Colquhoun, Director of Research and Innovation Services (RIS), which provided an update on the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) narrative statements. UEB appreciated the considerable work that has been put into this record of University achievements.