The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 24.05.21

Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement

Operating in Gold Command mode for the first part of today’s meeting, UEB discussed a number of operational and campus issues:

  • There was an in-depth discussion about the principles we will need to agree to enable effective planning for the 2021-2022 academic year. All the evidence we have seen points to the need to assume that some risk mitigations will need to be maintained for the autumn term, particularly around social distancing, adequate ventilation, and ongoing testing and vaccination. We will also need to have the flexibility to adjust plans if and when restrictions are lifted, or potentially re-introduced for a limited period, during or beyond the autumn term. The planning criteria will be finalised and shared shortly.
  • Revised travel guidance is being prepared, in line with evolving Government guidance. The guidance will also include the need to consider not just the prevailing COVID-related guidance, but also how any proposed international travel sits with our Sustainability Strategic Plan, the continuing need for financial vigilance, and the lessons learned from the pandemic about the effectiveness of online meetings and conferences. Although the final position is still to be reached, given the various pressures, it is clear that a high bar will need to be set in determining how essential any business travel is.
  • The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, as are case levels in Southampton. As of Monday morning, there were no new or active staff or student cases.

The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode to discuss a number of issues:

  • In the context of an increasing number of high-profile and damaging cyber-attacks on universities, UEB agreed a proposal to accelerate and make mandatory the roll-out of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to reduce the risk of malware and ransomware attacks. It only takes one compromised account to allow access to our systems, with potentially devastating reputational, financial and operational impact. MFA is increasingly common in many aspects of our personal and working lives, and is strongly advised by the National Cyber Security Centre. Further details of the roll-out will be provided shortly.
  • UEB discussed an important paper on Developing Transnational Education (TNE), due to be discussed by our governing Council this week. This paper proposes a new framework for assessing and selecting TNE projects to enable the University to become a more global institution, enhancing its reputation and recognition worldwide as a leading University. The objective is to develop a common, consistent and transparent approach to assessing TNE opportunities, to enable identification and selection of TNE projects that enable the University to achieve its overall strategy, as well as improve key aspects of University activity, in particular, reputation, academic capacity and risk mitigation relating to international student mobility and incomes.
  • UEB agreed proposals to widen and build our investigator capability and capacity, in order to respond to sensitive cases across the University, which includes tackling harassment. Trained investigators are required to examine issues raised through the University’s Discipline and Grievance procedures.
  • There was a verbal update from the President of Southampton Students’ Union (SUSU); an update on the latest stage of the Universities UK (UUK) consultation on the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) 2020 Valuation; and UEB also discussed a review of our Long-Service Awards, an important initiative through which the University recognises the loyalty and dedication of our staff.
  • Finally, UEB noted the Annual Report to Council of the Health & Safety Audit & Assurance Committee; reviewed a number of draft KPMG Audit Reports; and there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.
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