Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
Operating in Gold Command mode, and from this week meeting on a Tuesday each week instead of Mondays, UEB discussed several operational and campus issues:
- There was a general update on planning for the start of the new academic year. In line with Government guidelines and the expectations of the Department for Education, we have been planning for in-person on-campus delivery of teaching and student support for the new academic year, using our teaching spaces to capacity, subject to appropriate reviews of risk assessments. We recognise that for some international students, getting to campus in time for the start of term may be challenging, so we have committed to providing online support for such students up to 25 October, and we will show pragmatism in individual cases where significant barriers to joining us remain.
- We know uncertainties will continue during the autumn and winter, so we have also prudently planned for a possible scenario which might see the return of some constraints to our on-campus teaching for a limited period, requiring more online provision.
- UEB heard a further update to all staff was planned for the following day (this was subsequently sent), as we move from a lengthy period of prescriptive rules to a new phase with the focus more on individual informed judgment, within a set of wider parameters. UEB heard we are also lifting of our request for colleagues to work predominantly from home if they can, and encouraging further opportunities for sensible in-person interaction and collaboration ahead, as we adopt more hybrid ways of working. There is a recognition that one approach will not work for all, and these decisions should be agreed at school, department and individual team level.
- The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed. Incidences in our own community are currently low. The return of schools and universities are expected to lead to a significant rise in COVID case numbers, and we are fully ready to respond to any cases, as we have been for the last 18 months, and to support any students and staff affected. We remain in very regular contact with our local Directors of Public Health who are fully aware of all our planning.
The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode to discuss a number of other issues:
- UEB offered their congratulations to Professor John Holloway and Professor Rebecca Hoyle, who have been appointed to the jointly-shared role of Associate Vice-President (Interdisciplinary Research). They will also take responsibility for research culture across the University.
- UEB approved progressing the Modernising Student Experience strategic major project to the next phase, with delivery planned over the next two years. This important project aims to enhance the support and services we offer our students so they can thrive at the University of Southampton. The project will focus on improving our technology and processes, developing our places of support, and ensuring we have the people to deliver an outstanding experience.
- UEB received an update on plans for the next phase of consultation on the new University Strategy, which will launch next week; there was an update on the latest developments relating to the USS 2020 valuation and the decision of the USS Trustee Board to progress the Joint Negotiating Committee recommendations to change the USS pension scheme; there was a review of the Internal Audit plan for the coming year; and UEB considered a new dashboard more effectively to illustrate to our governing Council our progress against our KPIs.
- Finally, UEB noted the latest SUSU Report due for discussion at the next Council meeting; and there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.