Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
- There was a further update on the ongoing national industrial action by members of the University and College Union (UCU), relating to pay and working conditions, and changes to the USS pension scheme. UEB heard that following last week’s Acas-facilitated discussions between the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association (UCEA) and higher education trade unions, both parties agreed that some progress has been made on the uplift at the lower end of the pay spine, and that a pay impasse, rather than an agreement, has been reached. A joint statement has been published setting out several follow-up actions which will now take place. Both sides recognised the need to allow for a period of calm during further Acas-facilitated discussions, and agreed that no previously announced strike days will take place in the weeks commencing 20 and 27 February, and higher education institutions will not implement the new pay award during that period.
- There was an extensive discussion about developing a critical path for delivery of our University Strategy over the next three years. Since the Strategy was launched 12 months ago, we have made good progress to develop the Strategic Plans that underpin it, as the current series of Vice-Chancellor-led Town Halls has been explaining. The ambition of those plans is as large as it is inspiring – there are currently 173 activities set out in the Strategic Plans, some of which are already underway with others yet to be scoped fully. Together with major estates and infrastructure projects and business plan objectives there are a large number of projects in-flight. All proof of the sense of ambition and momentum, and too of the need to identify priorities for the next three years to ensure the University is focused on the right things at the right time, with a sensible pace of change that recognises inter-dependencies and resource constraints. An important discussion, which will be continued as we enter the core business planning period.
- Finally, there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.