Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director of Engagement and Advancement
A shortened meeting today to allow UEB members to attend the University’s Remembrance Day service, and with the Vice-President (Research and Enterprise) in the chair as the Vice-Chancellor is in the United States on University business this week.
On the main agenda today:
- There was an update on the proposed industrial action which is due to start from 25 November. The University is disappointed by the results of the strike ballot, but respects the right of trade union members to take industrial action. The University is working closely with the Students’ Union (SUSU) and colleagues to put in place arrangements with the aim to try to ensure our students are not disadvantaged by any industrial action and continue to receive a world-class education at Southampton.
- A number of papers relating to University finances and risk were considered and approved, including a business analysis of the financial statements for 2018-19, due to be approved by November Council; the monthly management information pack of financial data and performance metrics; and the latest iteration of the University risk register.
- UEB approved for discussion at Council the annual report providing an overview of research and enterprise performance in 2018-19 and its progress against the Research and Enterprise Strategy. The key issues highlighted included:
- Concern that research awards were significantly below the target levels set for 2018-19
- Subject-level research funding performance needs careful examination in some areas
- Research publications and field-weighted citations compare well with our peer institutions
- Enterprise income has remained static after a period of growth, but still represents a strong level of performance
- Good progress in implementing the research and enterprise strategy has been made with the creation of the Finance Research Hub and the implementation of the Enterprise Strategy.
- UEB agreed the first draft of a Sustainability Statement of Intent, which could form the basis of a joint declaration with SUSU around our collective intentions to significantly slow and ultimately minimise our impact on the environment, and the development of a new comprehensive Sustainability Strategy.
- Finally, UEB approved a paper for discussion at November Council outlining future options for the University of Southampton Malaysia Campus.