Author: Kieron Broadhead, Executive Director of Student Experience
The Vice-Chancellor opened the meeting by expressing his thanks to all colleagues who worked over the Easter break supporting students and responding to the Government roadmap announcement.
The meeting began with the announcement that Rachel Mills will be leaving the University after a 28-year period to take up the role of Provost at the University of Sussex. The Vice-Chancellor thanked Rachel for her significant contribution to the University over this long period. We will have the chance to celebrate Rachel’s contribution and wish her well closer to her date of departure.
The Vice-Chancellor shared the excellent results that were received in terms of the University’s performance in the Knowledge Exchange Framework that were released prior to Easter. The University has performed remarkably well and this success could only be achieved through a real team effort from colleagues across the University. There will be further analysis of this data which will be shared with colleagues in due course.
Mark Spearing shared two updates; firstly, that he has been invited to join the UUK Taskforce that will contribute to the review of effectiveness and efficiency of research activity. This will allow for the University to have a strong voice and Mark welcomed feedback from the University community to inform this review. Secondly, Mark Spearing shared the positive news that the University was successful in winning an EPSRC Prosperity Partnerships bid – this positively affirms the excellent work that continues to take place in the University.
UEB, as Gold Command, considered an update on the current operating status of the University. It noted that there has been no further guidance released in terms of any increase in the amount of in-person teaching that can take place. The University campus is now operating post-Easter with many more services open, in line with the latest stages of the Government roadmap, including our sports facilities and increased catering provision. The number of infections of staff and students is now very low. However, people using the campus were encouraged to use the regular testing regimes that have been put in place for them.
UEB considered the monitoring return that has been prepared for the Office for Students that pulls together performance information on the commitments made in the University’s Access and Participation Plan for the 2019/20 academic year. The return includes: an overview of the University’s approach to widening participation in 2019/20; the impact of COVID-19 on our commitments; a forward look to our plans in 2020/21 and beyond; and an update on the conditions of approval. The return was recommended to the Vice-Chancellor for approval for submission to the Office for Students (OfS).