Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
Operating in Gold Command mode for the first part of today’s meeting, UEB discussed a number of operational and campus issues:
- Following last week’s announcement from Government that campus-based teaching for those students not already attending in-person practical teaching sessions will not be permitted until at least 17 May, we will continue to provide students with access to online education, and continue to operate the campus with many services and facilities open on campus.
- We will be providing further guidance to students and staff later this week about arrangements for the rest of the academic year. Meanwhile, we are continuing to plan for the introduction of in-person teaching for our January-start PGT cohort from 7 June.
- For staff, work is underway to prepare a number of meeting rooms across our campuses to allow for safe, well-distanced and well-ventilated meeting spaces for limited team meetings as colleagues start to return more regularly to our campuses. We know there is considerable interest in the Future Ways of Working Strategic Major Project which was recently set up, and we will ensure further communication and engagement as this work progresses.
- The continuing uncertainty around the timing of students returning to campus, and ongoing uncertainties around the domestic and international pandemic situation, inevitably means there is continuing uncertainty around the impact on University finances. The message is clear: we need to remain vigilant, and continue with essential spend only whilst retaining the ability to invest in important strategic initiatives.
- The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, as are case levels in Southampton, but we need to remain vigilant, especially with lockdown restrictions being lifted.
The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode for the rest of the meeting:
- UEB reviewed plans for launching this week a major consultation of the University Strategy, initial consultation on which had to be paused last year when the COVID pandemic struck. In the first phase, views will be invited on the strategy’s purpose and principles, and a second phase starting in June will develop the thematic content based on these foundations. A video message from the Vice-Chancellor will set out the process and encourage active involvement from all members of staff. Students, and our wider alumni and partner network, will also be given opportunities to input into the strategy development.
- UEB noted a report on Degree Outcomes, due for consideration at the next Council meeting. The paper provides an update for Council on the most recent undergraduate degree outcomes data, considered against Russell Group comparators and within the wider context of the University’s Quality, Monitoring and Enhancement framework.
- There was an update on the consultation launched by Universities UK on the indicative outcomes to the USS 2020 Valuation. The consultation sets out a range of options for discussion, all of which involve a combination of benefit reform and increased covenant support. Solutions are sought which maintain current contribution levels. Considerable staff engagement has already taken place through a series of briefings, and we plan to share the UUK survey with eligible staff to help inform our institutional response.
- Finally there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.