Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
The Vice-Chancellor opened the meeting by formally and warmly welcoming Professor Phillip Wright, our new Senior Vice-President (Academic), to his first UEB meeting.
Operating in Gold Command mode for the first part of today’s meeting, UEB discussed a number of operational and campus issues:
- There was a discussion around the next stage of the Government’s lockdown easing plan, from Monday 17 May, details of which are expected to be confirmed later that day. A further, final checkpoint is set for Monday 21 June. Whilst a number of restrictions affecting our personal lives are being lifted, many restrictions for workplaces still remain in place, recognising the increased density of people within most working environments, and the continuing need for caution. Government guidelines still require anyone who can work from home to continue to do so until at least 21 June, and a Government review of physical distancing is also underway, which will of course determine our ability to utilise our working, teaching and research spaces. For those who need to work on our COVID-secure campuses, we are trying to make it as easy a process as we safely can.
- The University has formally raised with our local Members of Parliament concerns raised by our students at the failure by Government to allow those students on non-practice based courses to return to face-to-face teaching in April, as had originally been expected. UEB were advised that the Universities Minister has responded to those MPs, recognising the frustration of students and parents and explaining the Government’s caution about increased risks of transmission indoors with any increase in the number of people mixing and the time they spend together, and avoiding any increased risks to successful completion and graduation by final-year students.
- There was a discussion about how we can strongly encourage our University community to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations, when they are eligible for them, and to ensure that we make it easy by enabling time away from work to attend appointments, recognising there is often limited choice in choosing the timing.
- At the start of Mental Health Awareness Week, there was a reminder that the University has put in place considerable support and information to support staff wellbeing, and colleagues are urged to take advantage of the support and resources, recognising that the impact of the pandemic continues to put significant pressures on our work and personal lives.
- The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, as are case levels in Southampton.
The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode for the rest of the meeting:
- UEB discussed a Progress Report for the Technician Commitment, which aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research across all disciplines. Our technician Commitment Implementation Group is responsible for completing a second stage self-assessment and a further three-year action plan for submission in December 2021. The Vice-Chancellor expressed on behalf of UEB his huge appreciation of the work of all our technicians and the vital role they play, especially during the pandemic in maintaining buildings and facilities and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our students as they return to campus.
- There was a reminder that all staff (and students) will have an opportunity to provide feedback on new ways of working, learning and studying during the pandemic, in the second Pulse Survey of the last 12 months. The feedback from the first survey has already led to or informed some new activities, and colleagues are strongly encouraged to make their voice heard in this second survey – the deadline for responses is 21 May.
- UEB noted two papers en route for consideration by our governing Council: the first noting progress against the Bridging Strategy Key Performance Indicators, which will be updated further once the results of the second pulse survey have been analysed; and a summary of the preliminary consultation that has taken place regarding the proposal of a restructure for the Global Recruitment and Admissions (GRA) department.
- There was a review of the status and budgets of our various Strategic Major Projects, including an update on our separate estates and IT projects, and a review of the final Closure Report for, and learnings from, the World Rankings Project. The project was set up to improve and consolidate Southampton’s position in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings – a strategic aim of the institution – and help deliver benefits outlined in the international strategy. UEB congratulated all those involved in delivering a project which achieved a year one improvement in institutional rank, proved a catalyst to much greater collaboration across the University including around communications, and increased engagement and understanding of the importance of QS to the University. UEB cautioned that although the project has completed, it will require sustained effort across the University to ensure the benefits of the project continue, and that all areas embed actions to improve the visibility and reputation of the University, important to our international rankings, with our academic schools playing a key role.
- Finally, UEB noted the results of the recent City Council elections in Southampton, and there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.