The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 26.04.21

Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement

Operating in Gold Command mode for the first part of today’s meeting, UEB discussed a number of operational and campus issues:

  • As staff prepare to return to campus in slightly greater numbers as lockdown restrictions in England are lifted in stages, there is a recognition that an increasing number of practical questions are arising. A huge amount of information and advice is available and we will be further communicating this week answers to some of the more common questions. Meanwhile we’re starting to look ahead to the preparations required ahead of the September return of students and staff, subject to the prevailing government restrictions and guidelines.
  • The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, as are case levels in Southampton, but we need to remain vigilant, especially with lockdown restrictions being lifted.

The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode for the rest of the meeting:

  • UEB approved a recommendation for the resumption of a number of discretionary reward and recognition arrangements, which were suspended last year to ensure equitable staff availability as we faced the pandemic challenges, and avoid adding to the salary bill as we faced significant potential pressures on our finances. As these arrangements are resumed, it will be critical that all decisions should consider carefully the equality impact. In February we confirmed that the academic promotions process would resume in October 2021. UEB has now confirmed that the right of academic staff to apply for sabbatical leave will be re-instated with immediate effect for sabbatical leave proposals starting no earlier than the start of the 2021/22 budget year. Approval will be through normal Faculty decision-making processes, but there will be a high bar for approval, with clear priority given to ensuring that teaching, research, administrative and other duties are fulfilled, as well as ensuring adequate contingency for continuing workload pressures arising from the pandemic.
  • In addition, processes for non-academic re-grading, the award of additional increments and allowances, and movement into or though higher responsibility zones will return to normal from the start of the 2021/22 budget year. Staff Achievement Awards will continue to be considered by a central panel and the £1,000 limit will remain in place for the time being.
  • In other matters, UEB discussed the Department for Education’s current consultation on whether to change the current system of higher education admissions and move to a system of post-qualification admissions (PQA). The current system sees learners apply up to a year before starting university, and are made offers based on predicted grades. A PQA system could see applicants receive and accept university offers after they have received their A level (or Level 3 equivalent) grades.
  • There was a reminder of two important consultations currently underway with our staff: the re-launch of a consultation on our University Strategy, and a Universities UK survey on the USS pension scheme 2020 valuation report. Both are very important and colleagues are urged to ensure their voice is heard.
  • Finally, UEB noted that this week will see the inaugural meeting of the new Council-led Estates and Infrastructure Committee, which will enable greater Council involvement in our long-term estates and infrastructure strategy and investment; and then the regular review of the University Risk Register.
  • There is no formal UEB next week due to the Bank Holiday, although UEB will be meeting for a virtual strategy awayday mid-week. The next formal meeting will take place on Monday 10 May.




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