The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 07.10.19

Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director of Engagement and Advancement

Professor Mark E. Smith introduced his first UEB meeting as our new President and Vice-Chancellor by saying how delighted he was to have started in the role last week. He said he was using his first few weeks to get out and about and to meet staff and students right across the University and our campuses, and he had been very encouraged and inspired by what he had seen and heard in his first few days, and was grateful for the warm welcome he had been given.

He added that ending his first week hosting the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Awards had provided him with a wonderful showcase of the breadth of excellence in all areas across our University.

He also highlighted the award by the Royal Academy of Engineering of two Chairs in Emerging Technologies to Southampton – to Professor Susan Gourvenec and Professor Themis Prodromakis: a remarkable accolade for our University, as only eight Chairs were awarded nationally overall.

On the main agenda today:

  • Kieron Broadhead (Executive Director, Student Experience) briefed UEB on the findings of the Southampton Student Survey 2019, a survey of our first and second year students. Overall, there have been increases in satisfaction in every area of the survey, with overall satisfaction up 5 points to 84%, teaching improved by four points to 82%, and course organisation improved by 14 points to 84%, in direct response to previous feedback. Although slightly improved, Student Voice is our lowest scoring measure and remains an area of concern, requiring sustained focus. In some other areas we should have ambitions to be in the upper quartile of the Russell Group for satisfaction. The results will be taken very seriously at faculty and school level, and within Professional Services.
  • Next, UEB discussed a paper highlighting our performance against Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Performance Indicators for Non-Continuation. This is a key metric on which the University is measured, and impacts on both league table and Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) methodologies. The most recent data suggests our non-continuation rate has increased, which is a cause of concern as this has previously been an area of strength at Southampton. Contributory factors are complex and vary by subject area.  UEB was clear we must all consider this to be a key priority for the University, to be addressed at every level: from our policies to understanding the implications of different admissions qualifications, but especially where there is interaction with an individual student.  Subject-based action plans will need to be put in place. This data will now be shared through Education Committee with Associate Deans (Education), Deputy Heads of School (Education), and will inform our wider Education action planning, including TEF planning.
  • UEB also approved a proposal to create a new governance structure and funded resource to support successful delivery of the University’s Equality Charter work over the next two years, including Athena SWAN, the Race Equality Charter, Concordat, the Technician Commitment, and Disability Confident. It received an update on the progress of our Athena SWAN action plans, and it conducted a regular review of the University’s Risk Register, to ensure it accurately captures the risks the University faces, to ensure that adequate control measures are in place, and that additional controls are being implemented where required.
  • Finally, as part of regular feedback on Staff Engagement Survey actions from each faculty and professional service, Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS), updated UEB on activity in his faculty, particularly around resources and a greater understanding of faculty finances, improved governance and communication, and recognition and career development.
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