The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 22.10.24

Author: Yvonne Hawkins, Executive Director of Governance, Legal Services, Risk and Resilience

  • UEB received its quarterly update on the status of our Strategic Major Projects (SMPs), the IT portfolio and estates programme. The updates covered the period August to October 2024. Additionally, strategic updates were provided by each Faculty. This overview enabled UEB to explore the interdependencies between individual SMPs and Faculty plans.
  • UEB reviewed the University’s risk register. It identifies the twenty most significant strategic risks for the University, and mitigations to manage these risks. The risk register is informed by horizon scanning to ensure the University can identify and respond to key risks associated with its operation and delivery of its strategy. UEB will be seeking analysis of the National Risk Register and local Risk Registers, via Local Resilience Forums, as part of this regular risk review.
  • A summary of the annual assurance statements submitted by Faculties and Professional Services for the period 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024 were considered. These statements are part of our risk management framework, providing assurance of compliance relating to key areas of risk. UEB noted that most Faculties and Professional Services could provide full assurance.
  • UEB noted the progress being made to install a new automated car parking system. This is going live on 20 November and colleagues have been invited to apply for a new permit. We are working towards re-instigating parking permit charges in the new year. This follows a hiatus of four years since the start of the COVID pandemic. More information on car parking charges will follow later this Autumn.
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