Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director of Engagement and Advancement
A number of issues were discussed under the Vice-Chancellor’s Business section at the start of this week’s meeting:
There was a detailed update on the University’s response to the global coronavirus outbreak. UEB heard that significant activity had taken place across the University to provide guidance and support to students and staff, in a fast-evolving situation. The University has set up a dedicated and regularly updated webpage, which will be the home for all the latest information and guidance. Earlier on Monday morning, the Vice-Chancellor sent an email to all our staff and students about the outbreak. UEB were reassured that the University is taking all necessary measures to prepare for potential incidents, including the spread of viruses.
- UEB discussed plans to announce later this week a review of the University’s administration processes, as mentioned in a UEB Blog entry from last month. Led by Professor Paul Whittaker, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, the review will aim to explore and better understand any frustrations with our administration processes, helping us to become a ‘One Southampton’ community as well as a more agile, efficient workplace. All staff will have the opportunity to provide feedback through their respective Deans and Executive Directors, who will be providing further details shortly.
- As it does every term, UEB heard individual feedback from every Dean and the Chief Operating Officer (Interim), on progress in faculties and professionals services against their respective Staff Engagement Survey action plans. It was clear that good progress is being made in each area.
On the rest of the agenda today, which this week was the monthly dedicated 10-Year Plan UEB.
- UEB approved a proposal to partly re-phase the timing of the funding of the OneWeb programme to ensure it can continue its fast-paced momentum and deliver more benefits in the current financial year, without incurring any increase to the overall project budget.
- UEB discussed an ’end of delivery phase’ report for the Spending Wisely project. This project was set up to deliver significant savings through more efficient and effective procurement of goods and services for the University. The project has already delivered significant savings. UEB noted that the report indicated the project has not realised its full potential, through more lasting transformation, due to different practices across the University. It raised the challenge to all of us to think about the balance between the local versus broader institutional need in all of our actions. Ensuring that we balance local culture and practice with broader institutional goals in a ‘One Southampton’ approach is something each of us needs to consider in everything we do. The formal project will close, and the team will continue to deliver change through business as usual.