Author: Professor Jane Falkingham, Vice-President (Engagement and International)
In August 2024, we witnessed distressing events both on our streets and across all media, with acts of racism and Islamophobia affecting many, including members of our own community and their families. These incidents have left people feeling shaken and uncertain about their place in the UK. In response, the University’s REACH Network organised an informal meeting on 5 September for members of the Network to share and discuss race and culture within our University within a safe and supportive space. As Chair of the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC), Jane Falkingham was invited to join the meeting, providing an opportunity for members to discuss key issues and to raise any concerns or share positive experiences directly with UEB. As a result of the meeting, it has been agreed that the University’s EDI team will look to organise a series of Pulse surveys over the coming months. Members of the Palestine Solidarity Network attended the meeting and a further separate meeting with representatives of the PSN and Jane is being planned for after the next meeting of EDIC. Additional engagement sessions with the wider REACH Network will also be organised in the coming months to continue these vital conversations.
The national pay negotiation round for 2024-25 has now concluded, and UCEA have instructed the University and other participating Higher Education institutions to implement the pay outcome. Work is already underway to include the first stage of the two-stage uplift in September pay, backdated to 1 August 2024.
UEB were pleased to hear that University has been successful in the first round of UKRI’s new cross research council responsive mode (CRCRM) pilot scheme, with colleagues leading on two of the 36 projects funded under the call and partnering in a further two bids, reflecting our strengths in world class interdisciplinary research.
UEB received their regular update from the Planning and Resources Group meeting. Our undergraduate student registrations are above our target but are expected to fall by the census; however, we are expected to land in a good position in comparison to most of our competitors. Attention now turns to future number planning, with the matter to be considered through the normal processes and the long-term impact on Size and Shape considered in depth by UEB at our December strategic awayday. PRG also approved an extension of the Scholarship Programme for Excellence to encourage international PGT student applications.
UEB expressed thanks to colleagues who participated in our recent open days. Numbers attending had increased from the previous year. Our next open days are on 5 and 6 October.
UEB noted recent UK University rankings from the Daily Mail and the Guardian. UEB discussed that improvement in our National Student Survey (NSS) score should be a priority for all colleagues during the coming year, including the development of action plans as part of the forthcoming business planning cycle. This will have the biggest impact on our league table position. With the results of the Times league table expected soon, it was agreed that the league table working group will review the results across a range of tables and bring a summary paper to a future UEB.
UEB discussed and endorsed a new Research Collaboration Statement. The proposed statement provides guiding principles aligned to our values (research excellence, independence, integrity, care, respect and equity, and risk management) and signposts colleagues to key policies, procedures and support to identify, assess and manage actual or potential risks. This will be supplemented by an Addendum providing sector-specific considerations that will be reviewed annually by Research and Enterprise Executive Group (REEG). Further University-wide consultation will now take place before the Research Collaboration statement goes forward for consideration by Senate.
UEB reviewed and endorsed a proposed annual Internal Audit Plan. The sample of audits have been selected based on the University Audit Universe; the sequence of recent audits and audit opinions; those required by statutory compliance; our risk register and the wider Higher Education risk environment.
UEB endorsed a variation to our Access and Participation Plan (APP) for 2024-2028. Our APP was approved in October 2023; however, the bursary provision was under review and changes would require a variation. The bursary review was undertaken by the Widening Participation and Social Mobility department in consultation with SUSU and key stakeholders such as Finance. It concluded that eligible household income bands should adjust for inflation ensuring more students were able to access financial support. The APP variation will now go to our Council for approval.
UEB received an update on the proposed new car parking regulations and heard that colleagues will soon start to receive more information on the work taking place in our car parks.