Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director, Engagement and Advancement
- Operating in Gold Command mode, UEB were updated on discussions at Silver Command meetings: a huge amount of work has been underway to prepare for the return of the first tranche of students this week under the new Government guidelines, and to prepare for the further phased returns of students expected after Easter. The Government has said it will issue further guidance for classroom-based teaching by the end of the Easter holidays. Now the immediate implications of the lockdown exit map have been addressed, Silver Command (usually invoked for short-term business continuity incidents) will stand down and activity will be led by relevant committees and a smaller group of academic and PS leaders.
- The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed, which includes those students who are currently still living at home. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, and case levels in Southampton continue to drop, but we remain very vigilant, underpinned by our COVID-secure campuses and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight saliva testing programme.
The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode for the rest of the meeting:
- UEB noted a paper on international comparators, to be discussed at the next Council meeting. At its annual virtual awayday in January, our governing Council considered criteria, including shared values, to identify a set of international competitors against which to judge our comparative performance. These will not necessarily be universities with whom strategic partnerships are under development as part of our International Strategy. Council will be presented with a suggested list of twelve universities with others on a “watch” list. The twelve universities, subject to ratification by Council, are: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; KU Leuven, Belgium; LMU Munich, Germany; University of Auckland, New Zealand; Monash University, Australia; Boston University, USA; University of California, San Diego, USA; McMaster University, Canada; Korea University, South Korea; National Taiwan University, Taiwan; Zhejiang University, China
- UEB also noted a paper to be considered by Council providing an update on the Bridging Strategy’s Key Performance Indicators and targets, informed by the Pulse Surveys of staff and students carried out last December.
- UEB agreed a roadmap for re-engaging our community with a revision of the University Strategy. This process originally started in early 2020, with considerable feedback already received, but it was put on hold when the COVID pandemic started and a shorter-term Bridging Strategy was put in place to help us navigate the pandemic. After Easter we will be re-starting the consultation process, recognising that the context of COVID means a more far-reaching revision may be needed rather than the more minor re-articulation that was originally being envisaged. More details about the consultation will be provided in mid-April.
- There was an update on the 2020/21 University Budget and the latest monthly management accounts. This year has been one of continuing uncertainties, with a need for all areas of the University to achieve significant savings, and a decision by Council to agree a deficit budget. Student numbers have generally held up well against our scenario planning, but income from residences has been significantly affected. A number of risks and uncertainties remain during this financial year, including the levels of returning students, international students, use of residences and expectations around fees. UEB also discussed a paper setting out how business planning and strategic university investments will be considered for 2021/22.
- UEB noted the publication last week of the USS pension 2020 valuation, which suggested pension contributions will need to rise sharply if existing benefits are to be maintained. A series of factual briefings have been arranged for staff in individual faculties and Professional Services over the next month with independent pension expert Brendan Mulkern, and colleagues are encouraged to join the briefings. UEB were also updated on the Higher Education Pay Negotiating Road for 2021/22.
- Finally, there was an update on the results of the recent SUSU elections, and UEB expressed its congratulations to the new leadership; UEB discussed the proposed library restructure and the consultation that has been underway, which will be discussed by Council this month; there was a demonstration of a new HR dashboard, which was very well received, and the regular review of the University Risk Register.