Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
As always, a range of strategic and operational issues on the UEB agenda today:
- The meeting started with UEB noting and expressing its support for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), celebrated every year on 17 May. The Vice-President (Research and Enterprise) had earlier that morning taken part in a ceremony to raise the Rainbow flag on Highfield campus.
- UEB congratulated a number of colleagues on their recent awards: to Professor Sally Ward, on her election as a Fellow of the Royal Society; and to Professor Richard Oreffo and to Professor Guy Poppy, who have been elected as Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
- The Vice-Chancellor formally noted the results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) last week, which saw 92% of the University’s research classed as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, placing Southampton in the top 10 per cent of submitting institutions. This was a good outcome for us, and some schools should be particularly pleased. A full analysis of the results, and their implications, will be considered by UEB in due course.
- The Vice-Chancellor expressed his thanks to all those who helped organise a highly successful on campus event the previous weekend for our alumni and supporter community, to mark the 70th anniversary of our Royal Charter, which included talks and visits to a number of schools. Feedback has been extremely positive, with the campus looking its best in glorious sunshine.
- There was an update on the proposed Action Short of a Strike (ASOS) industrial action, which a number of UCU members may take at the University, as they will at 39 other institutions, from 23 May. UEB heard that information would be provided to staff and students later that day.
- UEB heard that the Vice-Chancellor and other UEB members have been directly involved in recent events and visits by judges and the Minister as part of Southampton’s bid to become City of Culture for 2025. Southampton is one of four short-listed cities – the result will be announced at the end of this month.
- Next, there was the regular quarterly update on our Strategic Major Projects This included a particular focus on the Modernising the Governance, Future Ways of Working, Student Experience and Education programmes, together with updates on our IT and Estates programmes. There was also a progress update on Project Alpaca, which will transform how we apply for research and enterprise awards. There are two aspects to the project – delivery of a new system to streamline the process, and the provision of improved guidance for academics and researchers on the application process and how to make a successful bid. UEB also discussed an early concept paper proposing the creation of an additional University Interdisciplinary Research Institute, a Sustainability and Resilience Hub, as we seek to make sustainability a part of everything the University does. A full business case will now be developed for further discussion.
- There was an initial update on the results of the recent Staff Survey, which saw a 63% participation rate, and an overall 74% engagement score, higher than the Higher Education Sector average, both of which were seen as positive outcomes. Although the overall results were broadly positive, there is clearly a need for improvement on some issues addressed in the survey, and results differ across the University depending on where colleagues work. These will need to be explored and addressed further as the results are analysed by faculties, schools and professional services, with the help of an interactive dashboard. Full communication of the results will take place by the end of May.
- Finally, UEB noted the Health & Safety Audit Assurance Committee annual report to our governing Council; noted the results of a recent consultation by the Office for Students on Reportable Events; and had its regular review of the University Risk Register.