The University of Southampton
UEB Blog

UEB Blog 24.05.22

Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement

As always, a range of strategic and operational issues on the UEB agenda today:

  • UEB were pleased to hear that there has been a very positive response by the Technician Commitment Steering Board, which has peer reviewed our recent Technician Commitment Self-Assessment and Action Plan submission. The Board report noted: “Overall, this is an excellent report and action plan, with evidence of sector-leading practice. Southampton should be warmly congratulated on their progress, impact and success.” UEB expressed its thanks to the members of our Technician Commitment Implementation Group for all their work on the action plan and submission.
  • UEB noted the decision by the University and College Union (UCU) to withdraw the planned boycott of all marking and assessment processes from their list of action short of a strike, as part of sector-wide industrial action relating to pay and pensions issues. UEB noted that students would be relieved by the decision. Other actions short of a strike will continue.
  • UEB noted a letter to universities from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy providing an update on the UK Government’s dialogue with the European Union about formal association with the EU Programmes Horizon, Copernicus and Euratom Research & Training. These are now unfortunately caught up in the dispute over the Northern Ireland protocol as part of the Brexit deal. The Government has indicated it is now actively pursuing Plan B contingency options, recognising the importance of the funding to the sector.
  • UEB heard that Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation UKRI, led a senior delegation to Southampton last week to engage with local stakeholders on the new UKRI strategy. The University hosted a dinner for local institutional leaders, a townhall meeting to present and discuss the strategy and a further session on public engagement. The UKRI team also met with leaders of the newly awarded ESRC Centre “Connecting Generations”.
  • UEB discussed a paper summarising the REF 2021 Results and Lessons Learned, covering the recently announced REF 2021 results and details of the lessons learned exercise undertaken shortly after the University completed its REF submission in March 2021. The results saw 92% of the University’s research classed as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, placing Southampton in the top 10 per cent of submitting institutions. This was a good outcome for us in respect of quality and impact, with some loss in relative power as our staff numbers had not grown as rapidly as some other institutions. Our new University Strategy, with its ambitions for growth and increased investment in our research and academic endeavour, will start to address this.
  • UEB approved a revised Conflict of Interest policy, updated following a KPMG audit in 2019/20 and a University-wide consultation undertaken in autumn 2021. This will now be discussed at Senate before being published on the University website.
  • UEB noted a briefing note on Access and Participation Plan variance 2023/24, following guidance issued by the Office for Students to higher education providers to vary their access and participation plans for the 2023/23 academic year. The variance will precede the new APP, which has been brought forward by a year.
  • UEB noted that the University will be hosting a major TEDx event on campus on Saturday 18 June. This will be the tenth TEDx put on in Southampton by members of the University, and will see a number of speakers presenting a variety of thought-provoking ideas to spark discussion and connections.
  • Finally, UEB agreed the agenda for a UEB Awayday next month to discuss strategy implementation, and noted the University Risk Register.

The next UEB meeting will take place in two weeks’ time, on Tuesday 7 June.

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