Author: Shaun Williams, Executive Director Engagement and Advancement
- Operating in Gold Command mode, UEB discussed a number of operational and campus issues as we prepare for the further return of students expected after Easter. We continue to plan to be open and ready to return to blended learning with in-person on-campus teaching from Monday 12 April. However, there is no definite date yet for the publication of the guidance that will be issued by Government to universities, and recent media reports suggest the Government has yet to make a final decision on in-person teaching, based on the prevailing COVID rates and vaccine roll-out data. We are currently assuming that guidance will be provided during the week of Monday 5 April, the date on which a broader public update on April relaxations is expected.
- That week is of course a University closure week, so to try to avoid too much interruption to colleagues’ well-earned breaks, and to avoid a flurry of immediate emails, on publication of the guidance a small sub-group of UEB will consider the implications for the University and then ensure staff and students receive clear and timely advice on the University’s position.
- There was an update on our testing arrangements for students and staff over Easter and into the summer term. The testing programme has been paused over Easter, with arrangements in place for those who need to attend campus over the period, and additional testing provision is being put in place for the start of the Summer Term and the expected return of more students and staff. More information will be provided when this is in place. Meanwhile, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Saliva Testing Programme, which is now delivering saliva testing for the University, is moving operations to a new lab which is not yet at full capacity.
- The latest student and staff COVID cases dashboard was reviewed, which includes those students who are currently still living at home. Incidences in our own community continue to remain extremely low, as are case levels in Southampton, but we remain vigilant, especially as lockdown restrictions start to be lifted this week.
The meeting then reverted to normal UEB mode for the rest of the meeting:
- UEB received an open letter signed by a small number of doctoral students concerning PGR COVID funding extensions. UEB noted that UKRI had announced a Phase 3 of its extension policy, that the University had already been in discussion with UKRI over the best and timely way to transition to Phase 3, and that this transition would anyway address the points raised in the letter. Work has also commenced on the consideration of a possible complementary University Phase 3 scheme for the 73 per cent of our doctoral students who are not funded by UKRI. Further announcements will be made after Easter.
- There was a preliminary presentation and discussion about the University’s future strategic approach to Transnational Education (TNE), our degree programmes delivered outside of the UK. Principles are being drawn up which will help inform our revised University strategy, consultation on which will start after Easter.
- UEB discussed the first of new quarterly equality, diversity and inclusion updates on progress in delivering the new EDI Strategy approved by our governing Council in November. The update included discussion of a pilot reverse mentoring scheme, and how to promote inclusivity in our approach to staff recruitment and promotion.
- Finally there was the regular review of the University Risk Register.