Courses / Modules / CHEM3045 Atoms, Molecules and Spins: Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry and Spectroscopy

Atoms, Molecules and Spins: Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry and Spectroscopy

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Giuseppe Pileio
Academic year

Module overview

This module aims to develop an intermediate-level understanding of quantum mechanics, including familiarity with its mathematical formulation. It is intended to bridge the gap between the qualitative, pictorial approach used in the core modules of the first two years and a rigorous mathematical formulation of both time-independent and time-dependent quantum mechanics. A combination of lecture-based teaching, self-study, and problem-based learning will be used. Key concepts and tools will be presented in lectures, while regular workshops and informal self-study sessions will lead the students to applying them to real problems relevant to chemistry and to modern spectroscopic techniques such as magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging.

Linked modules

Pre-requisite: CHEM2027