Business, accounting, finance and marketing

We offer a range of business studies courses to suit your career plans, whether you want to start your own business or help established companies achieve greater success. Our courses cover areas such as marketing, accountancy and finance, and business management, and address issues from corporate social responsibility to the future of work. At master's level you can explore topics like banking, risk and analytics, and human resource management. Our academics are active researchers, so your course will be informed by the latest knowledge. You'll also benefit from our links with companies such as Microsoft, JP Morgan and Carnival UK, as well as successful regional businesses.
You can study either a PhD or a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at Southampton Business School.
PhDs have a purely research-based focus, while DBAs tackle strategic issues within a real business.
Explore our postgraduate research opportunities
My interest in finance developed during the global financial crisis of 2008. I wanted to understand how countries can become more resilient.
My research focuses on sustainability, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship and social innovation.
My research interests span advertising, sponsorship and retailing. My passion is truly teaching, and I have won many teaching awards.