Module overview
Building on M1 and M2, M3_LT provides further opportunities to enhance educator skills and knowledge. Project based, participants focus on producing an output which demonstrates their abilities to develop or innovate within their educator practice. A mixture of paper based and online resources will be available, (the latter eventually within a (M)OOC type platform), providing a base to support participants work in conjunction with small group / individual discussion/activities with PDU and other staff as required. The support of individual PCAP mentors may be supplemented by access to staff with topic based expertise as appropriate.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Develop, informed by the analysis of evaluation data, strategies for enhancing the student experience.
- Apply knowledge of generic and subject specific educational theory and/or evidence in the design of a learning enhancement activity, within your subject area.
- Enhance your teaching activities through the integration of your research findings and process
- Evaluate and reflect on your own professional practice and development through evidence derived from self, peers and the literature.
- Critically analyse and reflect upon the appropriateness of learning outcomes for an enhancement activity and the alignment of learning and teaching activities with these learning outcomes.
- Apply education design and delivery skills in different contexts
- Critically analyse and reflect upon the appropriateness and effectiveness of learning and teaching activities and resources to facilitate quality learning.
- Apply your reflective skills outside of your discipline context
- Apply self-directed learning skills which are essential for a learning with limited contact time
- Organise and integrate your own learning with existing commitments, and produce work to deadlines.
- Compose and communicate ideas effectively, both orally and in writing
- Display initiative and personal responsibility
Usually an Orientation session shared with Module 3_RDM will outline the topics covered, resources available and assessment requirements.
Experience in analyses and reflection on learning activities will have already been demonstrated in M1 and M2. This project based module is based on participants conducting a significant educational development or educational research activity which demonstrates the application of these skills through a written output and presentation to peers in an appropriate forum.
All participants will have access to the a mixture of paper-based and online Learning and Teaching resources, the latter eventually structured within a (Massive) Open Online Course (MOOC) type environment. Participants will be free to participate in workshops from the CHEP open programme, or from other sources as alternatives or supplementary, subject to discussion with a member of the PGCAP team.
Participants will also be able to participate in the PGCAP M3_RDM workshops for their personal interest, when spaces are available.
The resources available will typically provide information on the enhancement of learning, such as case-studies, examples of methodologies used in face-to-face and other contexts, information about learning technologies, links to online resources with information on these and other topics.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
An Orientation session will outline requirements for the module and the resources available.
There are no other formal module sessions. Participants are expected to attend workshops which will support the development of their skills necessary for completion of their project work. Attendance at a minimum of three workshops is required, as evidenced by completion of an appropriate learning log for each.
Participants will have access to a mixture of paper-based and online Learning and teaching resources (eventually in the form of a (Massive) Open Online Course ((M)OOC) or similar) and will be free to select workshops to support their development and educational enhancement/research activity. Participants will normally be supported in defining their project by the PGCAP team and their AU mentor, and will be free to seek guidance from other colleagues with expertise in their chosen topic. Members of the PGCAP team will normally meet with individuals/ run small group seminars on topics arising, and organise M3 networking lunches for participants to update each other on progress and to share and discuss ideas. Participants will be expected to agree a series of timetabled meetings with the AU mentor or member of the PGCAP team at the start of the module.
Type | Hours |
Work based learning | 30 |
Wider reading or practice | 65 |
Tutorial | 20 |
Completion of assessment task | 73 |
Seminar | 12 |
Total study time | 200 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Useful Journals. Higher Education Research and Development Research in Higher Education Research in Learning Technology
Waring, M. & Evans, C. (2015). Understanding Pedagogy: Developing a critical approach to teaching and learning. Oxford: Routledge.
Ramsden, P. (2003). Learning to Teach in Higher Education. London: Routledge.
Fry, H, Ketteridge, S & Marshall, S (2002). A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. London: Routledge.
Butcher, C. Davies, C. & Highton M. (2006). Designing Learning: From Module Outline to Effective Teaching. London: Routledge.
Beetham, H., Sharpe, R. (2013). Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age. London: Routledge.
Taylor and Francis e-Library (2002). Teaching and Learning in their Disciplinary Contexts: a conceptual analysis, Studies in Higher Education, 27, 4.
Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2011). Teaching for Quality in Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE & Open University Press.
Crosling, G., Webb, G. (2005). Supporting Student Learning: Case Studies, Experience and Practice from Higher Education. Taylor and Francis e-Library.
Assessment strategy
Assessment will normally be due 8 months after commencing the module, with the presentation given to an appropriate forum agreed with the PGCAP Programme Co-ordinator.
All summative assessments are supported by formative activities and feedback
All assessments must be passed to pass the module
Assessment is on a Pass/Fail basis, but feedback is provided which conforms to institutional norms for percentage marking ranges and descriptions.
The marking for this module will not be an anonymous. The project based nature of the assessment, involving staff from the participant's Academic Unit in the assessment, makes it impossible to maintain anonymity. PGCAP cohorts are small in size, individuals or small numbers of participants come from a limited number of Academic Units, and the members of the PGCAP team are likely to have had discussions with individuals about their work. This approach is aligned with the Anonymous Marking Policy.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Learning log
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Written and/or aural as appropriate for the form of the assessment
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Presentation | 15% |
Report | 80% |
Reflection | 5% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Resubmit assessments | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External